October 22, 2015

Ecuador Day 40

Today was a pretty low key. Mishell and I went to the doctor again this morning to get the final documents signed. I really don't know what goes on around here; I just do what I am told. Anyway, we waited around for almost two hours before Mr. OBGYN signed whatever he was supposed to sign and sent it in a sealed package with us for Guayaquil. 

Our Article 23 was also issued today, YAHOO. This means we are clear to go to Guayaquil anytime. We are opting to go on Monday instead of tomorrow because my mom and Jennifer are here and we couldn't get tickets at good times and the one that was within our budget left at 1 am. Yeah, no. So, we will go on Monday and hope that all goes smoothly so that we can keep our original flights back on Tuesday night. Flights out of here to the US pretty much all leave way late at night. Ours leaves at 11:30 pm. So we will get home at 1 pm Wednesday. 

After I got home, we packed up and headed out to meet Maria Dolores for lunch. We went to Crepes and Waffles, which was amazingly delicious as usual. While there, Ramiro called and showed up to have me sign some documents for the article 23. I had no idea he was out and about doing all my work for today. I have no idea why MJB doesn't do her own work...it works in her favor to call Ramiro and have him do it so that then she doesn't have to and also because then I have to pay Ramiro to do it. Interesting strategy. That means I pay twice since MJB has already been paid. Ecuadorians sometimes...

Anyway, we then went to the artesian market again for a few items. I can't resist that place. We also went to the Mega Maxi for a few items. My mom was really dying to see the Mega, so now she can check that off her bucket list. 

A low key day, but tomorrow we are off on another adventure. My mom wants to see the volcano Cotopaxi that is spewing stuff, so we we will head south and test our luck.

This man is just darling, no? He wanted some money for lunch, so my mom gave it to him and then asked to take his picture. He smoothed his face and hat all nice and then when the picture was over, he wanted to see it to approve it. So cute. :)

Crepes and Waffles---oh yum. 

A little selfie action

At lunch. Don't worry about Mishell's hair-- we need a little haircut.

How about them waffles for lunch, Emma?

Good ol' Maria Dolores

This one doesn't even know a caption, because you know what I will say...
Seriously, is it really true that we can possibly come home Tuesday? I can't believe it. 5 more days!!!

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