It is beyond crazy to me that my firstborn is EIGHT.....How can time have possibly gone by this fast?!?! Here's a bit from her birthday and some copying from Instagram posts with details about her.
It's true what they say that the days are long but the years are short. I can't believe that 8 years ago today we were blessed to have this beauty join our family. Fun facts: Though she's not our oldest, she was our firstborn and she's the only one who didn't come with a sibling the same year. 😄
Hallie has been an absolute amazing child who is mature beyond her years. In some ways, she's had to grow up quickly because of the way we've built our family after her. However, Hallie's most beautiful qualities of care, compassion, and kindness have truly blossomed as she's welcomed 4 siblings after her. She's especially embraced Flor and Mishell, loving them unconditionally from day one, despite the challenges they brought with them through no fault of their own and depsite the fact that they require a lot of mom and dad's attention. Hallie is happy to fly under the radar and does not need outward praise or recognition, she just goes about quietly being a wonderful daughter and sister. We are truly blessed to have her in our home and I'm so glad we get to celebrate her today for her birthday and tomorrow for her baptism. Love you always, dear Hallie. Thanks for being you.
Hallie was lucky enough to have extended family here for her birthday since the next day was her baptism. It is not often (or ever) that my kids get to have their grandparents or cousins at their birthdays, so that was a special treat. We had Costco chocolate cake, per her request, and opened presents. We of course had Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner (Every year-- wonder if this request of hers will ever change!)
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Jace picked this gift out for her at the grocery store and requested I buy it for him to give to her. How can you say no to that? |
Love this girl!!