December 4, 2016

Halloween 2016

Our poor kids got to wear hand-me-down costumes this year (or the same thing they wore last year). That's called quality parenting right there....:) They think they are deprived, but ya know. A good costume shouldn't go to waste by only being worn once!

Jace had a Halloween parade and then party in his class, which I volunteered for. Good times. Kindergartners and a lot of sugar= a lot of fun. 

decoriating their teacher, Mrs. White, to be a mummy

Also quality parenting is giving your kids a sharpie to color their pumpkins because we are too lazy to help them carve them. They had a good time nonetheless! Also, Lizzie's face in this picture-- too cute.

Flor kept leaning over and giving Lizzie a kiss, so I told all the kids to do it. That was cute, except Mishell over there. Hahaaha.

Flor the cowgirl

Hallie as Hermoine

Mishell the witch

Jace the Ninja Turtle

Lizzie the Chip or Dale Chipmunk

 We took Flor and Lizzie one loop around the neighborhood, then sent them to bed. I took the other three around with some neighbors for quite a while and they MADE A HAUL!! We still have some candy left and it is now December! It is fun to live in a neighborhood with so many families and kids. The kids all had a great time.
A few more pictures of Lizzie in her cute costume

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