December 4, 2016

October Randoms

Florinda really loves the baby...for a minute. She will hold her for a few seconds, give her a kiss, and the push her off her lap. Every time. I find it quite entertaining.

My co-worker Edie hosted a "wine and cheese" party at her house in October. Those of us that don't drink alcohol had a variety of other beverages to choose from. We had a great time and laughed a lot. There was also a ton of delicious cheese (one of my favorite foods, sadly...since you know, it's not very good for you!)

I colored this beauty during General Conference. I think it's quite great if I do say so myself.

I am not sure why I took a picture of this, but once a month at work at the hospital, the vendors can come in and bring us treats and business cards and things. This is a good example of what one month may look like. Just kind of craziness.
I love Sodalicious. Every time I am in Utah County, I must stop by. I think this was shortly after I was gifted a $25 gift card to there and loving life. 

Mishell had her first Young Women in Excellence in October. Since she was brand new in YW, she had not done any projects yet, but we still displayed some items to show her talents. She choose to show her dance uniform and a picture she colored.

The YW leaders asked each parent to say a positive quality that our children have. I said that Mishell has a "believing heart" because this is true of her. 

My friend Meghan had her baby boy, Cooper, so Kim W. and I went to see her and bring her lunch. We have all had a baby this year, so that's fun. Cooper was about 2 weeks old, Lizzie was 2+ months, and Annie was just over 6 months. Cute babies-- and weird that Lizzie and Cooper are basically the same size.

Dang, I do not know why this is upside down, but this is Hallie's reflection poster this year. The theme was "My Story" and she drew a family tree and talked about how each of her siblings came into her family.

Just a picture of Jace looking sharp for church one day, thanks to my Uncle Brad, who passes down all his son Jack's awesome hand-me-downs.
The Beehives in the ward "heart attacked" Mishell and it was super sweet. She loved the surprise.

Che's darling baby girl, Sunnie, was born Oct 12. Cort and I went to see her in the hospital after Sunnie was born and that was fun. I am sure she and Lizzie will be bffs just like Hudson and Jace. We can only hope!

Hallie's artwork about her family for school. Gotta love my beard :)

We went to the Desert Star Theater with my co-worker Kim and her husband. This is the only picture I took, I guess. haha. They messed up our food order, so we ended up with a liiiiitle too much! 

I think I took this picture to show how the kids are dressed when I am not around...(cough, cough, DEVIN)

My ladies and I had a booth at the Utah Infertility Resource Center's conference. I also presented at the conference. It was a great turnout and neat experience to be a part of!

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