October 3, 2011

Adoption Update

Here is a quick update on the adoption front for those who care.

The short story: Nothing has happened.

The long(er) story: There are a lot of details to this and some of them are not very pleasant, so if you want the real, deep and dirty version, you'll have to ask me in person.

So you know how MF was supposed to be officially assigned to us on September 8? Then September 15? Then every Thursday since then? Well, it turns out that the whole time we were never on the list to be assigned. I know. I know. Believe me, some freaking out was done. I am (sort of) over it now.

What happened was that our dossier arrived in Ecuador to be translated just before our agency's suspension started. We found out later that it did NOT get translated in time to be on the list to be assigned before the suspension started. Therefore, we needed to wait until the suspension lifted in order to even be on the list to be assigned. The suspension did lift (Hallelujah!) on the 26th of September. Let's just summarize and say I was very, very frustrated to find out AFTER the fact that we were never on the list to be assigned when I sat on pins and needles every Thursday waiting to hear good news. That's all I will say about that.

So now, we should perhaps be assigned this Thursday, though for some reason the agency is unsure if there will be a committee meeting this week in Ecuador. Again, the frustration. Should I summarize? I am frustrated.

I am not counting on this Thursday. I'm not counting on anything at this point. When I have good news, believe me, the whole WORLD will know it!

What this means overall is that we will likely not travel until the new year. This is the biggest bummer for me of all. I can't tell you how disappointed I have been over this. Of course that means one more Christmas without MF (and possibly her birthday, as her birthday is January 6.) Basically, it will be too late to travel by the time our case is assigned and by the time we file our next immigration forms. We would be in Ecuador over Christmas and their government shuts down for like 3 weeks for the holidays, thus putting us there three weeks longer with no progress. That can't happen. We have to work and such, so we would have to wait until January to start the travel period. There are other personal reasons why this traveling delay is a big hurt to us, but I won't go into that here.

Suffice it to say that I am clinging onto the faith that I have that I know what we are doing is right and I know that the Lord's plan is better than mine. Every time. I can't see why now- but I am sure one day things will become clear. Any prayers on our behalf and particularly for the processes in Ecuador for MF would be wonderful.


Shawna said...

OY boy! that is a lot of ups and downs and run-arounds! you surely have been through it all! Sorry about all the craziness--and now no computer! That is a huge bummer! Praise be that the suspension has lifted!! There is still hope on the horizon!

Nataley said...

Your sweet family is definitely in our prayers.

Beth and Jason said...

So sorry Kim! The prayers will keep coming!!!

Jessica and Danny said...

Love you so much Kim! Good luck, and I'll be thinking of and praying for you!!

K said...

Thanks sooo much for visiting our blog, we love finding others adopting from Ecuador as well! We will definitely be following your journey and praying your family is able to travel soon. This is our second Ecuador adoption, last time we adopted a 14 month old baby girl (she is now 10) we are adopting a 7 year old little girl and a 6 year old little girl this time..
The Andersons