October 3, 2011

Jace: 7 months

Well, hello. I know I have not updated the blog in an unusually long time (for me). I have a good reason. And that reason is that our computer died. Yeah, so we are computer-less for the time being while it gets fixed. Yes, doesn't it seem like our car just died? Well, it did. Fun times, everyone. Fun times.

Anyway, we have been in Idaho for about a week as we came to drop Devin off to work at Spud Harvest for my uncle (more to come on that, promise). So- he will be here for another two weeks while the kids and I return home tomorrow. Anyway, I am using my mom's computer now to give you a little update.

First- The Jacer bug. He is now 7 months old and as cute as can be.  Enjoy some pictures and some updates about him.
No he does not have a large spot on his forehead. My camera on my phone is dirty, that's why that spot always appears. Perhaps I should clean it?

Jace is a big boy. He can sit in carts now. He can even tolerate it when his sister pushes him around in carts. Sorry for the blurriness of the picture, but it was just too cute not to share.

Jace is a big Cougar fan, though he was embarrassed, just like the rest of us, with their loss to the Utes.

Love the bedtime look. All cuddled up, binky in mouth, and ready to go!

Jace really enjoys this toy. The reason why is because he can look at himself in the mirror. He finds that to be very, very, funny.

Just handsome.
Some facts about Jace at 7 months:

*Jace has been sitting up on his own for about a month now. He really likes to sit and is content sitting by himself for quite a while, especially if he has something like markers to play with while he sits.

*Jace is getting around more, though slowly. He is just slow moving. He doesn't like to move around too much as he is happy in whatever position he is in. He can lay on his stomach for a long time and I will put a toy just out of reach to see if he will go for it, and he won't. He is just happy where he is! He does scoot though and can turn himself around while laying. He also rolls, but like I said, he doesn't move much. He rolls onto his stomach as soon as we put him in his bed and sleeps that way. He rolls from his stomach to his back immediately in the bathtub if we roll him over that way, but other than that,  he will usually lay on his stomach to play for a long time. It's interesting. It's just kind of like he is not that interested in getting anywhere, which is the opposite of how Hallie was. He is started to make motions to army crawl, so we will see if he picks that up soon.

*Jace is still a champion eater. He eats 8 ounce bottles every 3 hours (he has a physique to keep up, afterall!)  He also eats solids, though he does not prefer baby food. He likes to eat what we are eating. Bread, crackers, etc.

*Jace takes three naps per day generally, anywhere from a half hour to 3 hours. He sleeps from 7 pm until about 7 am now.

*Jace has his two bottom teeth (from the time he was 3 months old) and now is cutting his top two teeth.

*Jace is a happy boy! He likes to fake cough for attention and has a really high pitched scream if he wants something or just wants someone to pay attention to him. He is really an easy baby and if his needs are met, he is happy as a clam.

*Jace is starting to babble a little bit.  He makes a gu-gu-gu sound and we are working on ma-ma-ma since naturally he will want to say that before da-da-da. I am also teaching him to respond to "clap!" which he thinks is very funny. Just putting his hands together means "clap" to him and he gets very excited.

*Jace thinks the funniest things in the world are A) my singing and B) Hallie's dancing. In that order. Nothing makes him laugh quite like when I sing. I am not taking that as a compliment, by the way. Hallie's dancing...well, you have seen the video, so he is excused in his laughing there also.

We sure love our Jacer boy. He is such a happy, fun, cute boy. We love having him and are grateful that he is ours.

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