October 20, 2011


Just an follow up on yesterday's post...

I had a rough night. A good cry with my husband (okay he didn't cry-- just me) and a new day and I am feeling better.

I know we have had to deal with a lot, but in reality I still know that we have more to be grateful for the journey. I need to focus on these things and not let the rotten parts get me down.

I have an awesome husband, you all know that, right?

I needed to work today because I basically had back to back appointments from 11 to 3 pm. So, Devin got the job of taking care of our little problem. We woke up early and headed to my office where we got our new documents notarized. I had filled out the application last night (the form where Devin's signature needed to match his passport of years ago) and we had that and my new passport copy (WITH signature) ready to go. One of many benefits of working where I do is that we require notaries all the time...so luckily our secretary Bev was willing to notarize for us. Then while I remained at work, Devin drove both documents to Salt Lake to be apostilled. The same day rate was awful, but we felt it was worth it. He then drove back here and Fedexed them to Ecuador. It basically took the whole day, but it's DONE. They are slated to arrive in Quito on Monday at 6 pm. That should be in plenty of time for Thursday's meeting.

Please just hope and pray with me that no more bumps in the road will present themselves. I think I would lose my mind....I'm on the brink, but surely anything more would make it official.

Thanks to all of you for your support and prayers. We appreciate it so, so much.


Shurtliff Family said...

Gees! Surley it is pouring and pouring some more for you guys. But eventually the rain HAS to stop. I can't wait till MF is finally just WITH you guys! Someday, someday. As you know, it'll all make sense later. In the mean time, we'll all pull out our hair for you too. ;)

Glad to hear Dev was a champ again and got everything done. You and Devin, I just knew you were going to end up together. Love it!
Let me know if you need help with the kiddos (that's not a request). ;) Especially if an emergency arises, we are here.

Shawna said...

way to go Devin! So glad you have an awesome husband. Sorry you had to go to work but it was probably nice to be busy with other things. Hope things are smooth sailing from here on out (or as smooth sailing as traveling for weeks to Equador with children can be..what an awesome vacation!)Try to relax this weekend knowing you have done all you can do. It is in God's hands now and I know he'll take care of you.

Jen said...

We're praying for you! Sorry that you've had such a rough road.

Paige said...

It will happen! It has been a rough road, but she is being watched over. You have such great compassion for what our clients go through.