June 22, 2009

The Price is Right!

So, last week we went shopping at this new market store in town. To make a long story short, we ended up getting a lot of fresh produce and a few other items for a pretty good price. So, we decided to see how smart you all are and tell you what we bought and then let you guess the price! Here is the list in no particular order:

- 5 lbs. of ground beef
- 4 bunches of green onions
-20 bananas
-15 nectarines
-15 white peaches
- 7 braeburn apples
- 3 large tomatoes
- 5 cucumbers
- 4 zuchinni
-10 green peppers
- 3 large yellow onions
- 5 oranges
- 1 pineapple
- 1 head of romane lettuce
- 2 jalapenos
-17 loose carrots
- 1 head of broccoli
- 1 stalk of celery
- 2 cans of Nalley Chilli
- 1 package hot dog buns
- 1 package hamburger buns
- 2 drinks (you get parched after a trip like that)

As you can see, this was no small order. Put your great shopping skills to work and guess how much this cost us!


Haylee said...

Alright... because you said you got these at a good price, we went cheap. But after a thorough analysis we came up with $55.30.
(Justin and Haylee)

What in the world are you going to do with all this produce?? If I got it, I am sure it would go bad. Sounds SOOO yummy though.

Audra said...

I agree with Haylee! What will you do with all of that produce! I am guessing $48.10 and that is just a guess!

Kim said...

Just an FYI for all, we froze most of the produce! Keep the guesses coming!

We Know They Called Us On A Mission said...

I can't believe you bought zuchinni. Don't you have any friends?
P.S. $42.87

Arizona Sun said...

Hey, check out my blog for how to chop up that pineapple. I say $30 even.

David Strobel said...


Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

If you went to Buy Low in Provo, then i'm betting that you only paid like $20ish.

Jen said...

I have no clue!!! But I'll take a wild guess and say 30 bucks. By the way, I LOVE the new blog background. Please help me with mine next time you are in town. Maybe when you come for Relay for Life??