10- We had a list of "Family Rules". My favorite should not be repeated, so I won't. Stef was the firm enforcer of the rules, which included, "In this family, we don't go to the bathroom with the door open" and gems such as that.
9-One night, Camille, Kylee, Stef and I decided to watch "The Notebook." We ended up crying, laughing, and eating gallons of ice cream all night long. We took hundreds of horrible pictures.
8- The time we went to Yellowstone once with some of my friends from IF. Stef had never been and she was super enthralled with taking pictures of the buffalo. I am so over that, since my mom has a huge box of pictures of just buffalo sitting at home. Nonetheless, it was fun.7-We played flag football both years and Stef and I attempted to be just like the boys, so we had a body slam that we would do whenever we did something good in the game. I am sure we looked super professional.
(our fiercest faces, yes I know, mine is pretty pathetic!)
(our fiercest faces, yes I know, mine is pretty pathetic!)
6- Our "Family Photos". We took these very seriously. We went to Wal Mart the first year and spent a total of $5 on a huge packet of photos which we proudly hung on our wall and distributed to anyone who would take one. The next year, we had a friend in our ward take our pictures. Again, we were so proud.
5- Stef had some strange sleeping habits (still does, I am sure). It was not uncommon to find her asleep upside down in the front room chair, or in equally awkward positions. She was dating Ronnie (her husband now) during our second year together when her and I shared a room. Ronnie was across the country, so let's just say there were far too many 4 am phone calls for my liking...poor Ronnie would just sit on the other line while Stef slept through it. I am kidding about the poor Ronnie thing, poor me is what I mean!
4- At the time, we were way into abbreviating everything. One time, we went to IHOP (we frequented that and Denny's for their hot chocolate) and the waitress told us something was "delish." We still laugh about that one.
3- Though Stef might deny it, Camille and I actually are responsible for her marrying Ronnie. Without us, she wouldn't even know him. He was in our ward our freshman year and then she moved in sophomore year after he had moved to Louisiana for Law School. We suggested that they started emailing, then visits started, and ya know, the rest is history!
2- Stef had the funniest eating habits. Her diet consisted of oreos, spaghettios straight out of the can, cheerios, and macaroni and cheese with tuna.
1- Number one has to be the time that we all drove to the hot pots past Spanish Fork (which we did many times), but the time I am thinking about, we had 13 people or something and no flashlights. We always went in the middle of the night and it is hike to the hot pots, so we all had to do a human chain to get there. I think this was also the trip that Ronnie was sick throwing up and the time that Stef claims he saved her life because otherwise she would have fallen off a cliff.
Here we are in our old age (now).
Love ya Stef! Thanks for being such a great friend.
Good luck in the roomate department?! I didn't even know that could happen! I had some real doozies... one wore a full on denim jumpsuit and had a naked man in our living room, and the other insisted on bringing in every boy in town to watch her ballroom video (which I put in the microwave)
hahahahahahaha i was laughing at those cute memories! Sounds like you guys had a blast!
Spaghettios straight out of the can....YUCK! That was a fun top 10 list. I got lucky and had really good roommates also!
I don't know what to say...I feel like I have been immortalized.
Thanks Kim! It was a blast seeing you again and remembering what it's like to hang out with my best friends!
haha funny stuff Kim!! I loved it! I'm still laughing about our convo on Friday night. Poor Buzz didn't find it near as funny as I did! I love you!
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