March 27, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Calvin: "Who is that crazy lady singing and clapping in my face?"
Hallie: "I don't know, I am not claiming her!"

(Hallie had her friend Calvin over to play today and they clearly were not amused by me, but we had fun anyway!)
Oh PS- Calvin also would like to state that he does not normally sit in pink chairs.


The Standrings said...

oh 2 cute babies! we all need to get together sometime!

Wendy L said...

Ooh the torture parents put their children through. Just think, we survived it so I'm sure they will turn out okay.. hopefully! So cute!

I hope all is well, did your mom find that video for her lesson?

Anonymous said...

Haha! You crack me up, anyway. :)

Emily Empey said...

hahaha That is hilarious!!!!

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

ha ha! Hals does look a bit appalled by your behavior!

Paige said...

Oh man, they ARE looking at you like you're crazy (or that you interrupted a very important conversation!). Hilarious!

Jen said...

Ha ha....that's funny! Hallie is looking so cute. Can't wait to see her TODAY!

The Lindes said...

lol, that was funny. I didn't even recognize Calvin because of the pink!

Haylee said...

I might look at you the same way if you were clapping and singing in my face! :) heehee just kidding... love their expressions!

Mike and Kim said...

I just can't get over her adorable kissable cheeks. We are still trying to get an internship for this summer! I will let you know but I hope you will be around so we can hang out. I really need a break from here, to be home in Utah with family and friends. I miss you!