March 18, 2009

A Plethora of Pics

Back by popular demand, photos of Hallie!! I sometimes hesitate to post all the pictures of her that I do fearing that it gets annoying for people looking at my blog. But, who cares? Also, I look at people's blogs that I don't even know sometimes (admit it, you do it too) and I enjoy looking at their kids, so what the heck. Modeling her SSS shirt. She proudly wears it because Uncle Lynn gave it to her.

She has an obsession with her feet these days. It is kind of funny.

Since the weather is so warm, we have spent some exciting times outside. We need to get a hat that fits her, as clearly this one is too large.
Yes, that is right, we are now using a high chair. I know she is drowning in there, but hey, it does the job. I got this on for $20, I was quite proud as it is a nice high chair.

Again, loves to have the feet in the air.

It's so hard being pushed around in a stroller all day. She just has to have a nap!

Toe touches...a future cheerleader!? Ha, wouldn't that be funny! a bonus, some videos!! Be sure to take note of the thunder thighs!!

This girl is too funny. Sorry the sun is in her eyes.

Sitting up. The beginning of the video is a lot cuter than the end...she starts falling and the camera gets all shaky as I try to save her, but you know. We do what we have to do.


Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

I enjoy looking at pictures of Hallie! She is such a doll!!! Those thunder thighs are great!!!!

Jen said...

Yay for all the pics! She is getting so big. I can't believe how fast they grow up. It's not fair....I love the videos. Those sure are cute shoes she's got on!
By the way, where do you get all of her bows? I think Sadie needs some more.

Megan said...

I love the pictures! Her chub is too cute.

Paige said...

I don't think anyone gets tired of seeing a baby as cute as Hallie, so keep the pics coming! I can't believe she is sitting up. Do you have a Boppy? If not, I have one (obviously not being used) you're welcome to borrow!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, I usually am not a fall-over-cute-babies type of person but your baby is so stinkin adorable!

Haylee said...

don't worry about annoying people with the pictures of your baby... it isn't annoying at all! I quite enjoy it! :)
She is so cute, I love her trying to sit up all wobbley and cute!

Emily Empey said...

I LOVE IT!!! She is soooo adorable! Don't even worry about posting so much about Hallie! Thats what people look at now these days is the kid! And yes I am guilty on looking on random pics! She is so cute and its so fun when they start sitting up! Shes so cute!

Abby said...

she is a cutie- such chubby cheeks. hehe. so cute. i like lots of pictures so don't be afraid to post 100.... well maybe 100 is too much but you know..

Mike and Kim said...

I just love her cheeks! She is so cute! I miss you and hope you are doing good!!!

Diana Smith said...

Hey!! its your visiting teaching companion! I found your blog and it is adorable. Your baby is gorgeous!
I really enjoyed visiting teaching the other night, I am looking forward to getting to know you, it will be fun!

Linda, Brad and they're driving us mad said...

She is so cute and so big. I can't wait to see her and pinch her cheeks, her face cheeks that is. Give her a kiss for me.

Audra said...

HI Kim, I think your little girl is adorable! I am going to add your blog to my list!