March 9, 2009

A real problem

So, I know this is odd, but I have been losing hair like crazy. I believe I am going bald, in fact. I know it has something to do with the fact that I gave birth four months ago and my hormones are wacky or something of the sort, but let's be honest...four months later and the problem is worse than ever!! I am sorry if this disgusts you, I just need some serious advice before I am hair-less. I find my hair all over, and clumps of it. It appears on my blankets, all over my clothes, in my child's armpit*, etc. Anyone had this problem before? What do you do? Maybe give up the crappy shampoo? Use some other product? Just resign myself to being the spectacle of the bald woman (I guess if I could amuse other people, that's worth something...). Well, tell me, tell me!!

I am sorry for such a terrible post. I will try to think of something great to post to make up for it.

*True story. How it got there, I have no idea.


The Standrings said...

kim- i think what you're going through is normal. my hair is also falling out like crazy right now. ask any woman who has given birth and i think you would hear similar stories! so don't worry! i HEAR that it slows down eventually. but if not, i guess we can be bald buddies!

LaNdOn & cHe' said...

Well, I know you may think this is exaggerating... but I lose clumps of hair daily. when I wash my hair I have to grab all of it and wipe it on the wall. I asked my doctor about it and she said it is normal to lose 100-150 hairs a day. Which is A TON if you think about it. Try not to sweat it, although I know it's difficult! When I saw you on Friday your hair looked thick and luxurious as ever :)

Hil said...

Oh boy, been there, done that! Nioxin is a lifesaver. You can buy it in shampoo/conditioner form (pricey, but highly recommended) or in pill form. It is a hair thickener and works wonders!

Paige said...

I'm sorry, but I was laughing so hard reading this post--not at you of course, but the way you wrote it. You're so funny! I think it probably does have to do with being pregnant. I know my hair changed before, during, and after my pregnancy. At least you don't have four gray hairs like me!

The Lindes said...

I went through the same thing. Mine got really bad at about 5 months. But in the last few weeks at has really gotten and under the point of not being a problem anymore. My hair went back to normal on it's own.

Lauren said...

What I have heard (do not remember the source, so who knows) is that during the 9 months of pregnancy, women do not really shed like normal. It is normal to lose hair daily, and during pregnancy it stops falling out, which is why hair looks "thicker" and "healthier" during that time. Then after pregnancy, your body loses all that extra retained hair. So it's like a hair-loss-a-thon for the first few months after birth. I thought I was balding for a good 6 months. But once your body re-regulates, I think it will go back to the normal amount of daily hair loss.

Sariah said...

Totally normal for 3-5 months after giving birth. One of my friends who had her baby 3 weeks before Sydney was losing loads of hair like myself -- it's calmed down for me now, and I'm sure it will eventually for you as well!

Shawna said...

haha, totally normal...curt hated hated hated how much hair i shed all over the place. My mom always said I needed more vitamins..but I don't know if really helps. you are have given me the inspiration to post on something i have wanted to for awhile..deoderant. I really want to know what everyone uses and which kind works the best. be thinking and then you can respond on my next post.