"Relentlessly Lucifer attacks the sanctity of life and the joy of parenthood. God has revealed the eternal nature of celestial marriage and the family as the source of our greatest joy." -Russell M. Nelson
I am sorry to get sappy, but I fear I might. I have really been blessed a lot and I have been thinking lately how much joy being a parent has brought into my life. I love my daughter so much, it is incredible. I love her more daily. Sometimes I look at her in her chubby cuteness and the funny things that she does and I think I might just burst out of the sheer love that I have for her. I love the quote that I posted above. Little did I know before I got married how incredible it was going to be. Add to that a precious child and the amazing-ness of it all just increases. I am sure it gets more and more so with each child you add, but I am not there yet, so I can't say.
What the world tells us will bring us joy are things that are actually very inconsequential. I was rocking Hallie to sleep tonight, which is what spurred all these thoughts. Usually she just falls right asleep when it is bed time, but tonight she didn't. When I heard her crying in her crib, my first thought was "oh no! Go back to sleep!". I didn't want to take time out of my "busy" night to have to rock her to sleep. But, then I went in and as I was rocking her, I just thought to myself that I really need to count my blessings instead. Why not take time to enjoy the moment? She is growing up so fast and before I know it, her days of rocking will be long gone. Why not take that precious time to enjoy my daughter? Nothing else is as important at this time in my life. As we rocked, I just stared at her in wonder. This little babies are such beautiful creations and it is such a marvel that we are able to create life that comes out so perfect. I started to cry as I held her (I know I am such a sap these days) and thought about how full my joy is with her in my life. I understand the phrase "my cup runneth over" now more than ever before.
As I sat there, I prayed a silent prayer that my Father in Heaven will watch over and protect my baby. I don't know what the future holds and maybe I am just overly worrisome, but I want so badly for her to have a happy healthy life. It occurred to me that I could honestly be happy living in our small apartment, on a small budget, wearing old clothes, driving old cars, and not having many of the "things of the world" if I can just have a happy family. All I need is Devin and Hallie and I could be happy for the rest of my life. Not that I hope that everything is taken from us tomorrow, but I know that the most important things in life are my family members and cultivating and strengthening those relationships.
Maybe someday Hallie will read this and get a glimpse of how I feel for her. I know there are not words to express the love that I have, but I felt the need to write these things down. I know I could have done it in a journal, but I also want my family members to know how I feel and that I acknowledge my everyday blessings.

Kim you are such a great mom! It is amazing the love you can have for someone isn't it? I still marvel at how much love is capable and never would have known it unless I was a mom and a wife. It is amazing! Your little Hallie is adorable!
That was such a great post, Kim. Thanks for the reminder to just take time and be grateful. You are such a great mom to Hallie, she is a lucky girl! I love you guys both so much.
This is a beautiful post, Kim. You've got me sitting here bawling in my office. lol. I'm sure Hallie will love reading this someday. Thanks for the reminder to rock my (not so) little one to sleep tonight.
go save sweet peas before it dies...post something and make a comment! we must keep it alive together.
What a sweet tribute to both Hallie and motherhood in general. Amidst the craziness of life and everything that goes into being a parent are those tender, quiet moments where the love you have for your child seems overwhelming. You are a wonderful mom!
That post was great. It made me all teary because I know exactly what you are feeling! I just hate how they grow up so fast!
Oh kimmie!! I seriously did the same thing yesterday! I was rocking Mary and i just started to bawl looking at this little human i created that i feel SOOOO much love that i never knew was possible! Its impossible to describe the feeling!!!! Its amazing! YOu are such a good mommy!!
Kim-This post was so sincere. You are such a wonderful person. You have always been such a great example to me.
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