Today Hallie is four months! It is crazy how fast it has gone, but at the same time, it is hard to remember what life was like before she was born.
She is now 15 pounds 1 ounce (95%) and 24 inches long (75%). We thought we were going to have a tall, skinny girl, but each time we go to the doctor, she goes down in height percentage and up in weight percentage. So instead, we have a chubby, average height baby. We'll take it! Here are some recent pictures and of course some tid bits about her.
*Hallie loves nap time! NOT! This is what she looks like during nap time at least half of the time. It is also about the only time she will sometimes take a binky, when she is going to sleep.
*The girl is funny, she will suck on anything BUT binkys.
*This is what I was talking about before, when she wants to sit up (which is most of the time), she will do sit-ups until we get the point and sit her up.
*She is sooo determined. It is funny to see how her personality has developed. She for sure will let us know what she wants and also goes out of her way to get what she wants on her own as well.
*Speaking of sitting up, she is getting there. You can't fully tell in this picture since I was too close to her, but she can sit up on her own. She does not do it for very long, but she can do it. We will get better soon I am sure.
*She already has taken to drawing. Whenever I have her on my lap with a pen or a pencil writing something, she tries to grab it. So the other day, we gave her the pencil and put some paper in front of her and she went to town. Masterpiece, I have to say.
*She has recently started eating Rice cereal. She quite likes it. Oh, but she likes EVERYTHING that is put into her mouth, medicine included. As the nurse was giving Hallie her oral immunization last time, she said "Don't worry if she spits out at least half of it, all babies do." Oh, but not Hallie, she slurped it right down and wanted more.
*She LOVES pounding on tables whenever she is sitting on our laps close to a table. I am not sure why, but hey, whatever keeps her entertained.
*She HATES tummy time, though this picture doesn't show it. She usually doesn't last long as she cries and cries. She still can't roll over, probably because Devin and I chicken out and don't make her stay on her tummy since it is hard to hear her cry.
*She loves going on walks in her stroller. We have taken to doing this almost daily as the weather has been nice. Usually she conks out after a while too. She can't be layed down in the stroller though, she has to be sitting up and able to see the world.
*As Che' pointed out to me, she has the "I'm annoyed with you" look perfected. Like I said, she is sure to let us know what everything isn't just so in her world.
*She lately has been sticking out her tongue all the time. She must get this trait from her Aunt Jennifer. Growing up, my sister would always stick her tongue out when she was concentrating on something. Perhaps Hals is just concentrating on life.
Also, here is a cute video of Hallie and her cute cousin Sadie last weekend when we were in Idaho. They are going to be best friends, I just know it.
We love our Hallie. She is the joy of our lives and brings so much happiness and love into our home. We are so lucky to have gotten such a wonderful baby who is full of life and personality already. Heaven help us when she is two!!
Heck yeah, Hallie! You can take after me all you want! Super cute pictures. I can't believe she's in the 95th percentile for weight. Gotta love it! Cute video of Sadie and Hallie. Can't wait until they're old enough to do some crazy things together like we did with our cousins. But then again, our parents didn't really even know half of the things we did, so we probably won't have a clue....
4 months? Wow, I can't believe it! I love her big smile--she makes you feel special when you see it. :) I love the picture of her swaddled up trying to take a nap. Natalia didn't like tummy time either. I never forced her on it and she seemed to turn out okay. :)
thanks for your comment today! gosh, she really is a doll! soooo cute!
I love Halsters so much. She has such a huge piece of my heart. I was laughing out loud when she giggled in that video. It's weird how seeing her do that makes me so happy. Thanks for posting all these cute pics of my girl, it made my night!
I can't believe she is already 4 months old!!! She gets cuter by the minute!!! I still can't get over her adorable cheeks. When do I get to meet this beautiful baby of yours!!!! And her laugh.... do die for!!!! So precious!
She is so precious! I love that girl! She isgetting big! THat is an adorable video!! I love how Sadie is trying to open her eyes and has the "its so bright in this world" look! So cute! and Hals is a MOVER!!! So cute!
Oh and Mary used to and at times still does the stomach crunches as well to get her to sit up! Cracks me up! STRONG stomach muscles!
So Jim is the guy we are setting her up with! They both agreed to go out with another-- we are just waiting for hime to call her and make the plans! haha!!! Hope it goes well! I think they would be an adorable couple!
Kim she is honestly one of the prettiest babies I've ever seen. I had to look through most of the photos a few times because it is so shocking. I'm glad to see she's growing healthy. :)
She is such a cutie! I am sure our little girl will love meeting her soon:)
I can't believe she is already four months. She is so stinking cute though. I love how amused Sadie looks in the video, and Hals is happy as can be. They are both super cute. (I hope my baby doesn't turn out to be the ugly one, if so just don't tell me :)
So about that tummy sister would give her boys tummy time when they were already angry and crying. That way it didn't matter if they cried because they were going to cry anyway. Maybe Hallie is too good of a baby for that tactic though...if you try it, let me know how it goes!
Wow, I LOVE that picture where she's sitting up--sooo cute!!! Come back to VP!!!!
I think the picture of her sitting up is so adorable!
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