January 14, 2012

Ecuador Day 27

Day 27. We went to the zoo today as we had planned to do with the Schinnerers and the Harlans. We hired a driver to take us as the Quito Zoo, though so named, is actually in a town called Guayllabamba, about 45 minutes away. The driver picked us up at our apartment at about 9:15 or so and then we went to pick up the other two families.

The drive there was fun because we were able to see some of the scenery of the outlying areas. Once you leave Quito, it's apparent that it's a whole different world. Robin and Jim had looked up the average income of people in Quito and reported that it is $330 per month! That is crazy and so hard to believe because we actually live in an area where you can tell there is wealth and affluence. These outlying areas put things into perspective really quickly though because you can see the poverty.

Here are some pictures of our zoo journey today:
Some scenery on the way there. The driver showed us an area where a new airport is being built just outside of the city. Apparently having so many planes fly in all day every day is causing pollution in the city so the new airport on the outskirts will be open in July this year. This is probably a good thing as the airport here is smack dab in the middle of the city and every time a plane flies over it looks like they are on the path to hit a bunch of buildings on their way to the runway. It will be quite the drive to get into the city, though, from the new airport. We'll have to come back someday so we can see it!

More typical housing on the outskirts of town (and in Quito too, in poorer areas)

Flor on the drive. She looks so thrilled all the time, right?

Hallie and Adriana. Hals was really excited to see her newest best friend again and they had a really good time at the zoo, running around together, watching the animals (the monkeys were a favorite of both), and playing "follow-the-leader".

The whole group watching the first set of monkeys. The zoo was great and had a lot of animals- monkeys of all types, turtles, lion, tiger, bear, kangaroo, tons of birds, frogs, wolves, anteaters, and a bunch of others we couldn't identify...or remember. haha.

Galapagos Tortoises. So huge!

Jim is a favorite of Hallie's. He is really great with the kids and so patient with them (especially when Hallie told him today "Your belly is big!" I about died. So sorry, Jim!)

Devin had a good time taking pictures of all the native flowers there. There were some really beautiful plants and flowers. Too bad our camera died shortly after this....we really need to learn our lessons and charge the dang thing before we go anywhere.

We tried in vain to get Jace to take a nap in the stroller, but his two extra little mothers were particularly helpful and diligent in making sure that he was taken care of during the trip. Such cute girls!
We have a bunch more pictures of random animals, but no one wants to see that and like I said, the camera died partway through, so that's that.

We stopped at a restaurant on the way home which had some native food. It all looked rather interesting and I think we were all a bit nervous, but it turned out to be pretty good. At least it wasn't cuy (guinea pig) or tripe (intestines, stomach, misc parts...).

We got home about 2:30 and put the kids down for much needed naps. The rest of the afternoon was spent with ornery kids. We do fine as long as we are out and about, but being home for too long puts everyone into a rough mood. I am not sure what is going on, but Jace particularly has been very ornery. He screams if not being held and at home I would probably let him scream a little more, but here the entire building can hear him, so we try to keep that to a minimum. Seriously, one day I went down to the street with Hallie to walk somewhere and I could hear Jace crying from clear down there. Yikes. The poor souls in our building...It will be nice to get home where we can just let him cry sometimes. Hallie and Flor both also had their moments this afternoon-- Hallie's included drawing all over the wall in our bedroom during her "quiet time". Lovely. Luckily, it washed off, but it was a lot of drawing, so a lot of cleaning. Flor has been mad at us because we encourage her to sit on the potty every so often. Even mentioning the word "bano" sends her into a fit. I don't know why-- because she stays mostly dry and when she does sit on the potty, she usually goes pretty quickly. Not that big of a deal, but she makes it one.

Anyway--- enough of the rambling. We are making the most of our time here and really are making good memories and enjoying our time together, but each day is one day closer to being home (whenever that is) and coming home will be mighty nice as well, I can't lie.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I sponsor 3 girls in Quito. One of them lives with her grandmother on $30/month and she is disabled. One day I hope to make it there to visit them!