June 1, 2011

Oh for handsome- he's 3 months old!

Jace is 3 months old today! Since 3 monthers don't do all that much, here are a lot of pictures, plus a few facts about him. I am glad I kept these posts for Hallie so that I can go back and see what she was up to and what she looked like at the same age. It has been fun for me. So, without further ado, enjoy some Jacer:
*No stats this month since we don't go back to the doctor until 4 months. But, I am guessing he is around 13 pounds and SUPER long. Is that even a question?

*Hallie still believes herself to be his little mother. When he cries, she always yells, "Oh Jacer, it's okay buddy!!" or something like that.
*His favorite toy is still the bouncy chair (what would be do without that thing?!) but he does also like the swing for a minute. He is starting to really enjoy his play mat- pictures below of that.
*Jace is a good sleeper and a good eater. He has been sleeping from 7 pm until 7 or 8 am the last little while. He sometimes wakes up about 2 am but we just put his binky back in his mouth and he goes back to sleep. He eats 7-8 ounces at a time and has had that much since he was about a month old. I am excited to start solids in a month or so, I think he will be more than ready.

*Jace is starting to love to kick like a mad man. Lay him on the floor, on his mat, or on a bed, and he kicks like crazy. It is fun to watch.
*He also is pro at grabbing items now. He used to just stare at his toys, then bat at them, and now he just grabs them like its no big deal. Amazing to watch babies develop!
*He is not a cuddler. I wish he was, but he prefers to hold his head up and look around versus giving hugs and cuddles. Poo.

* We just busted out the 3-6 month clothes, though he does still fit into some 3 month stuff as well. It's mostly a length problem versus a weight problem.

* I still can't get over how handsome he is sometimes. Particularly since his parents aren't all that attractive, except for Devin. He sure is a cute boy.
* I love when I go get him in the morning or after a nap and he is grinning like crazy. I tried to get a picture, but of course as soon as the camera comes out, he stops smiling. How do kids learn that this early???
*He is overall a more serious child than Hallie ever was. I can tell that already. He has a more calm and easy going temperament, which is great. Two Hallie's would be a little out of control, let's be honest!

Happy 3 months to us, since we are the blessed ones for being able to have such a sweet and loving boy in our lives. It's amazing how much fun these babies are and how much joy they bring.


Anna said...

HOWWWWWW adorable!

Paige said...

He is so cute! I love those big eyes. I'm so glad I got to cuddle him for a few minutes last week at our meeting. What a sweetie. I can't believe he's already eating 8 oz! And sleeping so well at night!

Jessica and Danny said...

He looks adorable!

lisa said...

I love all the pictures Kim. He is very cute. I miss holding him. He is going to be BIG before I get to see him again.

Abby said...

He is so so handsome