April 18, 2011


I feel like I do these posts all the time, but Hallie says funny things a lot and I want to record them. She will love it later, promise. So here are some recent Hallie-isms:

*During General Conference, Devin and I didn't want to move to go get Jace a diaper, so we asked Hallie to go get one. She ran upstairs and came back down a short while later with this announcement: "I couldn't reach, reach, reach" all while doing a little jazzer-cise move, jutting out her hip and pointing her hand in the air. (This is false, by the way. She can easily reach, reach, reach the diapers).

*While throwing a little ball back and forth with Devin, she suddenly said, "throw it to my hands, sweetie." This is odd because neither Devin or I use the word "sweetie" that I can recall. Later, she added to it by saying, "throw it to my hands, sweetie dad."

*Whenever she gets something out of the fridge or cupboards that I tell her she can't have, she retorts with, "I am going to share with my dad!" I am so sure... she is just trying to make me believe that Devin requested some food item. What she doesn't know is that I am smart and I am aware of her favorite snacks and his favorite snacks and they generally aren't the same.

*One night Hallie threw a fit when I tried to help her brush her teeth, clenching her mouth shut and rolling her head around so the task was just short of impossible. I gave up and sent her to bed. (Yeah, I know what you are thinking... I am a bad mom for not brushing her teeth for two minutes three times daily. Oh well.) A few minutes later, she started pounding on her door and shouting, "mom! I need to brush my teeth! My mouth is dirty!" Yeah...a trick to get out of her room. I didn't fall for it.

*We had zucchini one night for dinner, something Hallie had never had, or at least not that she could remember. She had a really hard time remembering what they were called and ended up calling them "Cinderellas" all night long. I am not sure how she went from zucchinis to Cinderellas, but okay. All that matters is that she liked the "Cinderellas" and ate a lot of them.

*After Jace spit up on me once: "Awwww, honey, your shirt is dirty!" (in her sweetest baby voice).

*One day when Jace was fussing a little bit and I was in the other room, I heard Hallie consoling him with the following: "Jacer...Jacer...no need to whine, buddy!"

*One night when I woke her up to take her to the bathroom, she was still fairly asleep, but kept repeating, "whip cream....whip cream....whiiiiip cream" all the way up the stairs. I wonder what she dreams about?

*Recently we were singing "Old McDonald" and I let her choose the animals to sing about in each verse. First she chose a cow, then she chose a dog, then she chose...an animal cracker. When I told her that an animal cracker is not specific animal that we could sing about, she was quite mad. Being as insistent as she is, we sang a few verses of "Old McDonald had an animal cracker..." Now, you try to tell me what sound an animal cracker makes.

*One night at dinner, as I was getting seconds, she eyed me worriedly and said, "That's A LOT, Mommy!" Well, thanks, Hals. Glad she is worried about my weight. Someone should be.


Jen said...

We can't wait to come visit this weekend! Hallie is hilarious.

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Ha ha ha ha! I LOVE these!!!! Hallie is hilarious!!! Oh I wish I could hear her say or do these things in person!! So funny!!! I'm still cracking up!

Jill said...

Hallie is so stinkin cute and I love your new blog design!!

stevie kay said...

"With a crunch, crunch here, and a crunch, crunch there . . . "

Shawna said...

super funny one you got there!! I was totally going to say what stevie said--crunch crunch! At least that is the sound they make when I eat them.

Arizona Sun said...

I love the whipped cream story the best!

Mike and Kim said...

Oh my gosh! She looks just like you. She is so cute!

Emily Empey said...

haha how cute! Hals is hilarious!!