March 29, 2011

My job as a mother of two

Poor little Jacer has RSV.

Who gave him permission to get sick?? Not me.

As if I don't have a hard enough time controlling chaos at home on my own with two kids, this means that I have had to take the two of them out together, ALONE. Eek, I know. We'll get to that.

I think Jace started getting sick on Saturday. I wanted to take him to the Urgent Care on Sunday after a really bad night Saturday night, but of course he was better during the day and we talked ourselves out of it.

Monday he was worse. Coughing, snotty, stuffy, etc. Poor little man. It breaks my heart, it really does. I called the doctor's office as soon as I got home from work and they said to bring him down right away. Luckily, Devin was home at the time. Unluckily, that meant that we had to forego our typical Monday afternoon grocery shopping trip (I love grocery shopping. I know, I'm weird) for a trip to the doctor's office instead.

The doctor checked Jace and said he suspected RSV but that we would need to go to the hospital to be checked for sure. He handed me the order form with horrible scribbles that I could not read and sent us on our way. Luckily, the hospital could read his horrible scribbles, which apparently said "Page me with results" and a phone number because we got a call from the doctor about 6 pm stating that the result was positive indeed. He gave us some ideas of what to do (which is nothing, there is nothing you can do) and told us he would like to see us again in his office the next day (today). Instant dread. I knew Devin would be working and that I would need to take the children into the office myself. Argh. Enough to ruin my whole day, I tell you.

It's not as if Jace is the problem. Let's get real here. He sleeps a good 90% of the time and is content when he is awake. The problem lies in a little girl whose name starts with an H and ends in an allie.

I enlisted Devin's help to get them both in the car when I got home from work before he had to take off for work. By the time I got to the doctor's office, Hallie was already chanting incessantly that she wanted fruit snacks. The nurse at the doctor's office has been trained by Hallie to give her fruit snacks and a sticker every time. Poor nurse, to have been whipped into such shape by a two year old. There is nothing I can do, literally nothing, to stop the chant for fruit snacks once Hallie hears mention of the doctor's office. I even tried to bribe her with candy bar. No good. (well, to be honest, she said she would take the candy bar too, but then immediately started her chant for fruit snacks again.)

The office was particularly slow today in getting us back and as they were, Hallie became more and more attached to a hideous doll in a little car seat that she found in the toy room. I could sense immediately that the doll was going to cause us problems. Yes, yes, it did.

While the doctor was checking Jace, Hallie proceeded to undress the doll, remove her diaper, and shout, "Mommy, she pooped!" I of course was trying to act like I was paying attention to the doctor, afterall, my child's health is on the line. But by ignoring Hallie's proclamation that the baby had pooped, it only increased her volume and intensity. "MOMMY!!! SHE POOPED!!!!! CHANGE HER DIAPER!!" "MOM!!!!! SHE NEEDS A NEW DIAPER. SHE IS STINKY!!!!" The balancing act then begins. Eyes trained on the doctor trying to make mental notes of all his instructions, one hand holding onto Jace, the other changing a fake diaper on a fake baby. Shouldn't that appease her? No. The second the diaper is back on, the rips it off again and starts the game over. "MOMMY! She pooped! Change her diaper!" Ahhhh, so fun. The land of pretend in a 2 year old's mind.

At this point, I could see the doctor is sensing that we have had enough. He tells me that he wants me to get some machine to suck Jace's snot out. He wants us to check in again on Thursday. Wait, back up. He takes that back. He will call us on Thursday. No need to, er, pay the co-pay again to come in, he says. (He means, let's not make this poor woman drag her two kids over here again.) And as far as the machine name, he doesn't want us to have to wait around while he finds out its exact name from his partner, so he will text it to me. Yep. The doctor texts me. That's how bad he feels for me.

Leaving the hideous doll at the doctor's office was the next big chore. Hallie ran to the doors and was on her way out before I could catch up and inform her that the doll does not belong to us and that it needs to stay there. Utter. And. Complete. Meltdown. Of course, right in front of the doors where people are trying to come in and out. What do I do? Before, I had two hands and could pry the doll out with one and pick her up with the other. Now, not so much. I glanced around at all the people staring at me and decided quick action had to be taken.

Put Jace's seat down. Grab the doll out of Hallie's hands and chuck it into the toy room. Pick Jace back up. Grab Hallie by the hand and insist that she stand up. No good. Instead, grab Hallie's hand and literally drag her out of the place, down the sidewalk, and all the way to the car. I am sure I got quite a few sympathetic, "oh that poor, awful mother!" glances. Oh well. The alternative was to leave my son in his seat in the office or outside the office, get her strapped in, and go back for him. Not gonna happen.

So- how DO you do it? 2 kids- one mom- out in public-proving to be nearly impossible! What's a woman to do!?

And- let's hope little Jace gets better soon. Sick babies are a sad, sad thing.


stevie kay said...

Dear Kim,
As the mother of two I'll tell you how you do it- exactly the way you just did! It's not glamorous or easy, but it gets better. Much better. Oh that and I have left the toddler melting down in front of a building before while I put the baby in the car a few feet away. I called it a mommy time out :-)

Cody and Meg said...

As you know I do not have any kids but I do have my resources. Invest in a handy dandy little contraption called a "nose frida" It blows those little blue snot sucker things out of the water! You can thank me later. (whole foods, amazon, etc. A little tricky to find, you can't just just get them them anywhere)

I Hope things get a little less hectic for you!

Carlie said...

Oh Kimmie I feel for ya. But you know, I am ALWAYS around and would be more than thrilled to keep Hallie for an hour during a Doctor run. Please get over this whole pride thing, and CALL ME! I love to sit with her, and you know it! Miss you, and love you. Great post as always.

Carlie said...

P.S. I'll bring fruit snacks when I visit. :)

Megan said...

Oh no! So sorry for poor Jace and his RSV. And sorry about your crazy trip to the doctor's office. It is so hard to take two kids places--just lugging around all their stuff is hard enough, then you have to try to control them, too. Luckily, Reed is shy--so he doesn't even talk to the nurses, let alone lure them into giving him fruit snacks :) I hope your next doctor trip isn't so bad!

Buzz and Camille said...

Ohh no!! I'm so sorry!! I wish I were there to sit with Hals- she's definitely good entertainment! :) Love you! Hope little Jace feels better soon!

Mike and Kim said...

Kim you poor thing! RSV would be terrible and I hope he feels better soon. As for out in public and all the chaos of two kids, I can't help you there. I am terrified of that happening to me and I don't know how mothers take care of more than one at a time. You are a rockstar! Just hang in there and keep doing your best.

Jen said...

Oh boy. So I'm sorry to admit that I laughed out loud while reading this. Hallie and Sadie are SO MUCH alike. I can picture Sadie doing the exact same thing. Sorry that I don't have any advice for you. I can barely handle my ONE child most of the time. :)

The Standrings said...

i'm laughing... only because i can totally relate- with the fits, i mean. oh our sweet 2-year-olds...

Shawna said...

oh boy that is classic good time if I ever heard one! I have so been there more times that I can attempt to block out of my mind. Honestly I avoided going anywhere I didn't absolutely have to by myself anyways. They do get older and they get better to negotiate with so at least there is hope that life with two will get easier. In a few months it will get better. I definitely agree with some of the others who said to leave her with a sitter--now that is a GREAT idea! Sorry things are so lively around there and hopefully Jace starts feeling better--so sad!

Crystal said...

Wow... that day completely summed up why I am more nervous for this baby than I was for Matthew... In fact part of me understands why some people decided to just have one kid :) but I am glad we're having more - but man good luck to you (and me) and thanks for sharing! Hope it gets better! And for the good side - Jace is adorable, I love his name, and his pictures are super cute! I'm glad he's only waking up once a night now - not bad for one month!