March 24, 2011

Devin's Tired

Image from here

It is really easy to forget how taxing it can be to get up multiple times per night. I can't really complain because Jace is actually a pretty good sleeper. He has only been up twice at most per night and sometimes just once, which is really nice. However, I still feel quite tired when I wake up in the morning.

I feel extra bad for Devin, though, because he usually comes home from work about 1 am and then gets up at 7 am to go to school. I am also a mean wife and have made him get up a few nights if both Hallie and Jace need attention, which has happened a few times. I have decided Devin is much more exhausted than I am and I should never complain again. See the following examples for evidence:

Example #1: One night, I heard Hallie wake up about 3 am, crying from her room that she needed to go potty. I decided to let Devin continue sleeping (he never hears either child and doesn't get up on his own accord. It takes me prodding him and kicking him a few times before he gets up. See, nice wife eh?) I got up and went downstairs to get Hallie. By the time I got back upstairs, Jace was crying because it was time for him to be fed. I got Hallie situated in the bathroom and then went to get Jace. I stuck my head into our bedroom door first and told Devin that he needed to take Hallie back downstairs. Shortly thereafter, while feeding Jace, I heard Devin head downstairs, yet Hallie was calling from the toilet that she was done. I was quite confused. Devin apparently forgot a needed component of returning Hallie to her bed: Hallie.

Example #2: Another night, I returned to bed after feeding Jace. As I got into bed, Devin rolled over and got on his knees on the bed as if he were praying. The following conversation then happened:

Me: What are you doing?

Devin: praying

Me: Why?

Devin: Shhhhhhh.

Me: Do you realize it is 2 am? Why are you praying now?

Devin: Shhhhhhh (much more aggravated now)

Me: Okay....

I just let him remain in that position for some time, but it eventually became quite apparent tht he was not in fact praying, he was sleeping. When I asked him about this the next morning, he had no recollection of the event. I think that my getting into the bed awakened him just enough that he must have thought we were just going to bed and needed to pray. I don't know...

Example #3: Finally, another night, I heard Hallie at the same time Jace woke up. She needed to go the bathroom again. (I am quite happy that she wakes up at night to go to the bathroom, just for the record. I didn't know long it would take before she would wake herself up if she needed to go, but she has done quite well.) We have to take her because we keep one of those lock things n her door so that she can't get out 187 times per night when she is supposed to be going to sleep. Anyway, I nudged Devin and told him I was going to get Jace and that I needed him to get up and take her to the bathroom. A half hour later, I finished feeding Jace and Hallie was still crying. I went down to get her and took her to the bathroom. The next morning I asked Devin what happened.

Me: Honey, why didn't you get up to take Hallie to the bathroom?

Devin: I did!! (very insistent)

Me: No, I am pretty sure you didn't. I was in Jace's room (next door) and never saw you come out.

Devin: No, I took her to the bathroom. I am sure I did.

Me: I took her after I fed Jace.

Devin: Oh. Did I really forget to get out of bed? I swear I did get up.

So, let's recap. Forgetting the most important part of getting Hallie back into her bed, prayers (or not) at odd hours, and very convincing trips out of the bedroom that actually did not happen.
Can't wait to see what happens next! At least it is (kind of) entertaining for me.


Paige said...

SO tough. Believe me, we're right there with you! Luckily Natalia sleeps through the night just fine so we don't have to worry about her, too. Keep plugging along, it will get better!

LeMira said...

Ahaha! I love it! I always tease Matt about his half-sleeping/half-awake moments.

lisa said...

That is sad. Poor Devin. That has got to be rought working, going to school,church calling and being a good husband and father. Wow, I am tired just thinking about it.

Emily Empey said...

hahaha! oh my heck I am laughing so hard! Poor guy!