March 15, 2011

2 weeks

2 week stats:
7 pounds 11 ounces
21 inches long

Our handsome boy is now 2 weeks old! Yay, we have survived thus far! Jace is a very good baby and is generally content, though he does let us know when he is hungry with a high pitched squeal. Quite funny. He sleeps most of the time still, but is starting to have more awake periods. We try to keep him awake from 7-10 pm and then put him to bed at 10 after a bath and a bottle. He is waking up about twice per night, once about 2 am and once about 5 am. I guess I can't complain...though I do feel sleep deprived still! I guess I will adjust.

Jace loves the binky and wants to constantly suck on it. He loves the swing and he REALLY loves the pink bouncy chair that is pink courtesy of his sister. We have started to do tummy time with him and he is quite content to just lay there. The one thing he hates most is being COLD. He really, really hates getting dressed and he doesn't like bath time generally or diaper changes either.

The poor boy got circumcised (I am sure he will love that I am writing about this on the blog later in life) last Friday. We didn't have it done in the hospital because I just wanted to get out of there, so we just scheduled a time at the doctor's office. I really wanted Devin to be there, but he had to do some school stuff, so I went alone. I told the doctor that I did not want to be in the room, so he sent me clear out to the waiting room so I wouldn't have to hear him wailing. Well, the nurse came to get me afterward and said that Jace didn't even cry at all- he just sat there with a bored expression on his face. Funny boy. I guess I could have stayed in the room after all.

Some thoughts on motherhood:
I really worried that I would not have as much love to give Jace as I did with Hallie. My bond with her was instantaneous and I remember feeling so overwhelmed with my love for her at the hospital right when I saw her. I was worried this time around because I did not feel as strong of a bond with Jace during pregnancy. I think it was mostly because it was the second time and while still exciting, the novelty has worn off a bit. I also worried because in the last few months, I have met with many of my adoptive couples who have adopted their second child and have had a harder time bonding the second time around. That is a totally separate topic and I have thoughts about that too, but seeing them struggle at times made me concerned that I would be the same way.

However, the instant I saw Jace, I was overwhelmed with emotion and felt my heart expand to make room for the love I feel for him. I have heard people say that your love multiplies with each child, not divides, and that is absolutely true.

I feel like I am the luckiest woman alive to have been blessed with two special spirits to raise. I am so far from perfect and I have a lot to work on in my mothering skills, but I thank Heavenly Father every night for sending me two amazing children. I hope that I can raise them in the way that He would have me do and to teach them who they are and the worth that they have.

Enough of the mushy stuff. I am in love with my new little man and we are so grateful to have him in our family.


lisa said...

Kim he is already changing. His face is filling out a little. He is very cute. I love the pictures.

Lauren said...

This is Marianne, Lauren brought the pictures up for me to see. I just had to tell you how beautiful he is! I loved what you wrote, it was so full of the spirit, I am on a high now.
Love ya Kim, congrats.

Mike and Kim said...

He is so cute Kim!

Abby said...

Jace is such a handsome little guy! Congrats!
I forgot to add your blog to my "Private Blog" list, so I just now checked it today.. I totally didn't know you had your baby.. so I read your labor story- and totally laughed when you said you were laughing during your 1st pushes... haha. So funny- silly girl. Glad he's here safe and sound.
I was worried about not loving the 2nd as much as the 1st too- but it's all good. I love them both the same.