Devin had a
STMA (Sports Turf Management Association) Conference in Austin, TX this past week. We went out and bought a new camera for the event because our old one wouldn't zoom. Of course, I figured Devin would take advantage of the new camera and take all sorts of wonderful pictures, detailing his entire week for me. Well...not so much.
These first few are just funny so I added them. Hallie was "helping" Devin pack by jumping on the bed.

Ok, onto Devin's pictures. I will narrate each of these pictures as Devin did for me. Serious explanations needed, I tell you.

"Some dudes standing in front of the door to the place where the conference was held."

"The city metro system. Even better, something that looks like lightening."

"Ah. The reason for the conference."

"The city of Austin. Quite nice, except it was kind of dirty."

"Another shot of the city."

"Eating. No other description needed."

"The men. Peach, Jay, Brandon, and Dr. Hopkins. Doesn't matter that none of them knew that I was taking the picture. You requested pictures of me and the men I was with, so here you go."
I feel like I know exactly what happened during the week by the photo journal he kept, don't you? No need to take pictures of all the pro sports stadiums he got to tour or any of himself.
And that is why I should always accompany Devin wherever he goes so that I can document the journey for him.
haha MEN! :)
What no picture of Aaron?! He is hurt!
fascinating story--I feel like I was right there with him. The pics of the city remind me of the movie setting for lightening theif...all cloudy like. So sports turf huh..I definitely think you need to accompany him next time so we can actually see this dream of his. As for why you made the blog private--I'm waiting for the great story behind it.
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