January 26, 2011

A Story

Devin usually works until Midnight most nights, so Hallie and I retire to bed before he gets home. Sometimes I try to stay up to be able to see him for a minute, but I usually don't succeed. Often I will hear him when he comes home, though, and sometimes we have conversations when I am in that fun state between being awake and asleep. I sometimes remember snippets, sometimes nothing, and sometimes Devin reminds me of a few things I said. Always entertaining. So last night's conversation went like this:

Kim: Hi, Honey

Devin: Hi. Go back to sleep.

Kim: Why are you opening the mail?

Devin: I'm not.

Kim: I heard you opening something in the kitchen. What did we get in the mail? (I had already gotten the mail and opened it for the day, FYI)

Devin: Nothing, go back to sleep.


Devin: I was just putting my lunch pail away. That's it.

Kim: Whatever. (I roll over and go back to sleep)

What a kind wife I am, huh?

Well, this morning I woke up to find this:

Made me feel like quite the jerk...particularly when he was trying to be secretive and surprise me.

What a gem of a husband I have! I know people hate mushy blogs about how great their husbands are, but I really could not be blessed with a more loving and kind husband. Now it is my turn to try to be a little nicer to him, eh?

On a side note, I have been trying for days to upload some new videos of Hallie, but blogger is being dumb and not working with me....so, I will keep trying. Anyone else having issues this way?


Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh Kim that is just too funny!!!! That was very sweet of Devin and what a nice little surprise to wake up to in the morning. ha ha ha.

lisa said...

That cracks me up!! YOU should do something really nice for Devin, like clean the bathroom so he doesn't have to. Love mom

Jen said...

Oh, what a nice guy!

The Standrings said...

kim i think that's really really REALLY neat that you are adopting that sweet little girl. I did a study abroad in Romania and worked in the orphanages and I wanted to adopt every single kid there. So I think it's really neat what you guys are doing.