January 16, 2011

The newest...

We received this update recently on MF- it was sent out to her sponsors from the orphanage where she is living:

(FHC= The orphanage where she is living now
Tias- "Aunts" in Spanish, referring to the workers who help at the orphanage)

We would like to introduce you to MF here at FHC. MF was transferred to FHC in May 2009 from a children’s home in Quito that was closing their program. The Director asked if FHC would receive MF and care for her with the hope that a forever family could be found soon.

A little of MF’s history: she was abandoned at the Maternity hospital by her mother when she was four days old. Medical intervention was necessary to correct a problem with her stomach (pyloric stenosis). Shortly after this, she was diagnosed with developmental delays.

We have enjoyed watching MF grow and change while at FHC. She is maturing from a toddler to a little girl. MF understands quite a bit and is showing more and more control of her emotions. She generally plays by herself, but has a very special relationship with Daniela (5 years old). The girls are very affectionate and MF lets Daniela hug and kiss her. Daniela calls her “my little MF”, and MF responds with even MORE affection!

The therapists and Tías are noticing that MF is getting stronger in her legs and she is learning to walk better and stand up straighter. She loves spending time in the pool and once she gets on the trampoline she doesn’t want to get off! She loves to dance, and when the music starts playing, she starts bouncing and pushing her hips from side to side with a big grin on her face. While going for therapy walks around the FHC compound, she will “converse” with the Tías about things they see along the path. She is a very happy child, and loves to be around the smaller children.

One night as the kids were getting ready for bed, the Tía told them it was time to clean up and put all the toys away. MF picked up a red clown’s wig and (logically) thinking that a wig’s place is on the HEAD, she put it on her head and continued to put away the other toys.
Thank you for your support as MF's sponsors. It enables her to attend a special school (FUDRINE) outside of FHC for her and others who have learning challenges. She receives
special attention from our loving caregivers, psychologists, therapists and others, to encourage her to be the best she can be.

Until the day God brings a forever family to MF, (and we have news that it could happen in late 2011 – there is a young couple in the U.S. very interested in adopting MF) it is an honor for us to take care of her and share the day to day joys and challenges in her precious life. We appreciate your prayers for her. Thank you!

A Christian ministry to children in Ecuador

Child Sponsorship Program Coordinators

I am sure most of you are not surprised by this news- Devin and I are in the process of adopting sweet little MF. We just received word this week that we have been "matched" officially with her. I will write about what the process has been like later, but it has been a series of miracles so far, there is no doubt about it. It has been very interesting to be on the flip side of the adoption coin! We have had a home study and had to do training and provide all the same documents that my clients are required to provide...plus more.

We don't know exactly how long the process will take as there are a lot of variables, things to be done through the US government and things to be done through the Ecuadorian government, but the agency we are working with estimates that we will be able to go pick her up this summer. Exciting!

Yes, we know that some of you may look at us and think we are crazy, especially because baby boy will be born here soon. But, I don't feel the need to defend ourselves because we have been anticipating the day when we could adopt her for years (you have to be 25 according to Ecuador law) and we feel the timing is absolutely right. We have prayed about the decision and attended the Temple often to confirm that this is the right path for our family. We both feel that it is and we are so excited to move forward.

We also know that MF comes with special challenges. We are not naive enough to think that it will be easy. But we are willing to take on the challenges and know that she will also bring an extra measure of joy and happiness in our lives.

I will keep this blog updated on the progress of our journey- a lot for me, but maybe some of you will be interested, too.


Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh my gosh Kim!! That is such exciting news!!!!! I think this is the most wonderful thing! I've loved reading about Flor in your past posts and I'm so happy to hear that you and Devin are working to bring her into your loving family!!! I can't wait to hear more about this!!!! YAY!!!!!

Shurtliff Family said...

That's so neat Kim! So excited for you guys. I had a hunch that it had something to do with adoption. ;)

Timing really is everything and it sounds like it is time. So neat! Glad to hear that you aren't postpoing with the little guy coming just because it may be a little more tricky. Kim- you are just amazing like that! Wish you only the best with all of this! Couldn't be happier for you guys!

Emily Empey said...

YAY!!! I have been waiting for this news and i just bawled reading through it! I felt the spirit so strong reading this! Kim you amaze me - you have always loved that little girl and ALWAYS will!! You guys will be the best thing that ever happened to her!!!! Also- I cant wait to meet the sweet little girl!

Lindsey said...

Congratulations! It's amazing to see the Lord's hand in the lives of all the kids in Ecuador. Can't wait till you guys get to see her and have her with you forever :)

David Strobel said...

Kim and Dev,

You have our support! I am so proud of you! I know that you are doing the right thing too. We are here to help.



LeMira said...

How exciting! Congratulations! I know just by reading about your experiences how much you love that little girl.

Karla Maynor said...

Kim this is awesome! I can't wait for it to happen! Hallie is going to love having a big sister. I love your writing and hearing your stories. Congrats Kim and Devin, you guys are amazing.

Jen said...

Wahoo! So happy that you can finally talk about adopting her on your blog. I am so happy for her and you! You will be amazing parents to her-- and if anybody can do it, you can. Love ya!

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

I second what Jen said... If anyone can do it, you can! You have a had a lot of experiences that have prepared you for this, and I am sure the Lord will help you with the rest. Good luck! I can't wait to hear more about your adventures.

Paige said...

So excited to hear that you have officially been matched! It really is a miraculous story and I can't wait to hear more as it unfolds!

The Jensen's said...

I am in {happy} tears reading about this news. That so exciting. I cant wait to hear about your experience. I would love to some day in our future adopt a child.

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

That's so exciting Kim! It sounds like she has a great support system there and is making good progress! I am so happy for you and know that you will be such an amazing mom to this little girl. I can't wait to meet her!

Brady & Ashley said...

Oh kim, that is so wonderful! I know how much you've always loved that little girl. I really hope everything works out! Praying for you!

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

Oh Kim! I'm so happy for you all! I don't think you're crazy for doing it either! Congrats!

stevie kay said...

How amazing! I can see now why you went private. The whole time I was reading the birthday message and the beginning of this post (I was reading in chronological order) I kept thinking that since you loved her so much, it was too bad you couldn't adopt her (obviously as it hadn't happened yet it must not be an option for you) then . . . the fabulous news!!! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!

hayleemj said...

Wow! I am thrilled for you and your family. I know you will be a blessing to eachother's lives. You have such strong love in your heart and will be an amazing mother to sweet little flor. congrats! I'm excited to hear more about the process.

Jalayne said...

Congratulations, Kim! That is terribly exciting news. I wish you the best and I hope that things go smoothly with the rest of the adoption. Flor is very blessed that you and Devin are a part of her lives.

i'm jackie. he's doug. said...

This is SO great. Congratulations!

Rebecca said...

oh my goodness, that is wonderful news! Congratulations!!