November 22, 2010

Terrible Twos is RIGHT!

Hallie and her cousin Ryder- who at age 2 is an angel compared to Hals

Well, it's official. The Terrible Two's are upon us full-throttle. With Hallie's personality, I have a feeling it's going to last much longer than just this year. Wish us luck. Just a few things she has done lately:

*Yesterday she absolutely refused to go to nursery because there was a man in there. She threw a huge fit each time Devin or I tried to bring her in. I mean full-throttle, kicking, screaming, the whole bit. All over a silly man.

*This morning I told her to come feel the baby kick, so she quickly whipped her foot out and kicked me in the gut as hard as she could (I was laying down). Probably felt the need to kick him before he kicked her. Fabulous.

*On a separate note, she has named the baby "Cody." (better than "bucket", which it used to be if she was asked) She is infatuated with Steve, my sister's soon to be husband and Cody, my friend Meg's husband (Remember she has only met Cody once). As we were driving the other day, she started whining and bawling about going to Steve's house and nothing I could say or do would stop her. She has never been to Steve's house, for the record. She also prays only for Steve or only for Cody in any given prayer when Devin and I are not prompting her. No one else deserves her prayers I guess.

*Nap time is horrendous. It has become a constant battle. She is out of her bed every 2 seconds. Devin or I has to stay stationed in front of her door and peek through the crack to tell her to lay down as soon as she sits up. It takes a good portion of the afternoon to get her to go sleep. Luckily, she goes right to bed at night. Devin is still clinging to the hope that she will nap through kindergarten like he did (yeah right!) or else I would just give it up. We need to get one of those door handles that locks her in, I think.

*Potty training has been great- that is until today. She peed twice in a row in her pants RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. She was so proud of herself too, like it was a joke. She peed on her pillow (she was sitting on her bed) and thought it was the funniest thing ever. Not funny. I hope this does not become a trend. She knows full well when she needs to go and has been so good about it until today. I think she was just trying to spite me. It just couldn't be that easy, right?

*She is into everything times 100. I am constantly cleaning up after her. In an ideal world, she would clean up after herself, but no such luck so far! Yesterday she dumped the whole kitchen garbage out before I could even attempt to stop her (and I was right there) and then later got out the milk, opened it up, and was about to pour herself a cup when Devin got to her. That coulda been messy, especially since the milk jug is full. No need for help anymore, I take it.

*We went to the doctor last week. She marched on in, went directly to the nurse and demanded a sticker and a treat. Obviously they have spoiled her. The nurse was a different one than the normal one and was a bit taken back, I think, by her demands. She did, however, get the sticker and the treat.

It's a good thing we love this girl. She is as funny as ever and I often have a hard time not laughing when she does something she is not supposed to just because she has such funny facial expressions and because she is so stubborn, she won't give in.


Carlie said...

Just laughed out loud several times at this post. Gosh I love this little girl. She's one of the funniest toddlers I have ever seen! You're awfully cute Kim. I love your patience.

Paige said...

You've got your hands full with that cute girl! It sounds like she knows just how to push your buttons. :)

amy said...

Oh my, what a terror! I love it! Please bring her to the cheetah reunion Sunday! I want to see her craziness! :)

Buzz and Camille said...

Oh my gosh! She kills me!! Good luck with the naps and the peeing... :) Love you!

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

I am so surprised you haven't lost your patience with her. Or maybe you have?! Good luck with her! :)

Holley and Luke Burbank said...

ok so.... did I miss that you are pregnant???!!! im assuming from this post that you are......congrats!!!!

lisa said...

Who does this remind me of? I wonder....