November 26, 2010

25 weeks and more

Here is a pregnancy update for all you who care. I am now past 25 weeks and feeling a lot better. I was sick for about the first 20 weeks or so. I continually thought it was ending, but then would have two or three days during the week where I would be nauseous again. Ick. And I thought my pregnancy with Hallie was bad, where I was sick for about 3 weeks total! :) My biggest problem these days is intense heartburn, but hey, I will take it! On the positive side, at the last doctor's visit last week, the baby is now measuring normal size instead of large. However, the doc made sure to say, "But don't think that means you will be having a small baby! You will definitely have a big baby." How comforting, eh? I had the lovely gestational diabetes test, which I passed, luckily. They have no idea how much candy I eat. They gave me the fruit punch flavored juice which was horrid. I much prefer the orange that I had last time, thank you. Other than that, there isn't much else to report pregnancy wise. Below is a 25 week pic. I feel like I have gotten bigger faster than I did with Hallie, but its hard to say. (yes, my head is deliberately chopped off. Its not a pretty picture today.) And now, for your viewing pleasure, a video of miss Hals on the way to Idaho for Thanksgiving. Don't worry, I didn't take one picture the entire time we were there. We had a great time, but this is the only "proof" (if it even counts) that I have that we went somewhere. Hallie is funny. We were driving along when she requested a certain drink...

(Don't hate, we never actually feed our child diet coke. She must have learned those words from certain aunts, uncles, and cousins of mine who may or may not be addicts.)


Emily Empey said...

how flippin adorable! Hals is sooooo dang cute! you look great and you are finally getting a cute little baby bump!!

Hals is my kind of girl! I love diet coke-- well actually i rather DIET PEPSI!! YUUMMMMMYYYYY

M. Dahl said...

Okay Kim you are joking right?!? That picture can not have been taken at 25 weeks!!! I am like three times as big as you are!! Unbelievable that your little guy was measuring big. I don't know where you are hiding him but that little tiny bump is super cute.

Jen said...

I love Hals! You should have just given her some Diet Coke. What a cutie!

Buzz and Camille said...

hahaha another hit with Hals! Diet Coke is the bomb though! Maybe next year?

Buzz and Camille said...

PS I'm glad she's into Diet Coke and not Diet Pepsi... you've taught her well!

Brady & Ashley said...

How can your doctor possibly be telling you that you're going to have a big baby when your 25 week pic looks like me after I've had a big dinner?!?! That's just not fair! Keep the pics coming though! We definitely care about baby bumps and pregnancy info!

Crystal said...

Oh my goodness! That may be my favorite video of Hallie - although you have caught many cute ones now that I think about it... But seriously I love it and I was laughing so hard! How funny that she is asking for diet coke!
Also... um 25 weeks? You aren't showing! I'm only 19 weeks and I've been bigger than that for weeks! Jealous! You really look great though!

Hannah Frank said...

Hahaha, how cute is Hallie! I love it when you post things about her!
And your baby bump is little. I am week 23 and I feel like a marshmallow with sticks as arms and legs. and crap, this is only the beginning!

Kasie said...

Okay how cute are you at 25 weeks!!! I was HUGE then!! You are looking great!!!
And Hals is ADORABLE!! ha ha! Diet coke!! hilarious!

Mike and Kim said...

Kim I had terrible acid reflux with Molly! Bring on the Tums.

lisa said...

What certain aunts, uncles and cousins I can't for the life of me know what you mean...