November 28, 2009

I Love to See the Temple

(Idaho Falls Temple, picture from
In light of the recent Thanksgiving holiday, I thought I would post about something that I am grateful for: Temples.
When I was young, the Primary song, "I Love to See the Temple" was my favorite. I loved singing the song and listening to the words. I felt like they were meant for me. As I got older, I came to love the temple and anticipate greatly the day that I would be able to receive my own temple ordinances and blessings. I view that day as one of the most sacred and important days in my life, which led up to another sacred event: the most wonderful and crowning blessing, my sealing to my sweetheart, Devin. Because of that sealing, we also have the privilege of having our beautiful daughter sealed to us as well. I am most grateful for this.
It is hard for me to express just how much the Temple means to me. I love the feeling that is felt there. Although we are not perfect, Devin and I try to attend the Temple regularly and I feel extra peace and strength that flows into my life when I go there. I can't pretend that I understand everything that is taught, but one thing I know for sure is that I know it is the Lord's house. I know that the things that are felt there and the ordinances that are performed there cannot be found elsewhere and cannot be replaced. In short, I have a testimony of the Temple and I am so grateful for this sacred place in my life.
In particularly troubling times, the temple brings added comfort and understanding. I have been thinking a lot about a recent tragedy, the death of a former bishopric member of ours in a caving accident. He leaves a pregnant wife and a 14 month old daughter. This breaks my heart for her and the family. I know that the blessings of the Temple will bring her comfort in this terrible time and that she can go forward knowing that she is sealed to her husband and will spend eternity with him, when the time comes. Having watched my sister go through the similar process of losing her husband (albeit in totally different circumstances), I know that the Temple is also paramount in her ability to move forward and find joy in life. Without those blessings, I cannot imagine the dispair that death would bring. There would seem to be little that could shake the mourning and feeling of loss. Thankfully, we have the knowlege that we will see our loved ones again in the eternities if we are faithful to our covenants.
I know these things for a surety and I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to be a partaker of the blessings of the Temple. I hope you all have had a happy and safe Thanksgiving and that you have had time to reflect upon and give Thanks for the blessings in your life!


Emily Empey said...

that was incredible to read! You are such an amazing woman Kim and I didn't realize you know the guy in that horrible tragedy! Will and I were reading about that! SO SO SAD! YOu are so awesome and i am thankful you are my friend! I love you kimbo!!!

David Strobel said...


Keep the faith and always attend the temple on a regular basis. Sharon and I go every week to help redeem our ancestors and to feel that peace. We were in the Rexburg Temple Friday night and met Leon Parson, the artist that painted the beautiful endowment rooms. He was also my veil worker and it was cool.


Wendy L said...


Jen said...

I love this post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings about the temple!

lisa said...

Thank you Kim for being such a good girl. I loved your post about the temple. I am glad you love it. Love mom

Stephanie said...

Beautiful Kim...thanks for posting!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Wow!!! What a wonderful post Kim!!!! I absolutely loved it! Thank you for being such a wonderful example! The temple truly is such a peaceful place and the feeling there is like none felt anywhere else! What a blessing it is to have temples on this earth so we can feel close to our Heavenly Father.

Crystal said...

Thank you Kim for your post. It was very moving and made me realize how much I love the temple as well. Thank you for touching my life and making my day better!