November 2, 2009

1.0 part 1.0

In our family, we like to celebrate birthdays for as long as possible. If you are my mom, your birthday lasts about a month nowadays. If you are Hallie, since you are just a little girl, your birthday lasts about half a week, though that is still quite good if you ask me. Over the weekend, we therefore went to Idaho to start the party! The cake. You have to have a cute cake for a 1 year old. Chris's sister Stephanie made this for us. Isn't it the cutest thing?
Hals posing with her cake. Since it was Halloween, we rolled two parties into one. Gotta love it.

We started by eating potato soup and cornbread that my mom made. It was delish.We then went to opening presents. Hals is ONE SPOILED GIRL. She got a ridiculous amount of presents. She quickly learned how to open them too, as you can see.
Hals and her loot. Told ya, she's spoiled.
Next, the favorite part! Cake time!! YAY!! Clearly, Hals was anticipating the prize coming her way...

We gave her one whole round part of the caterpillar. A little excessive? You betcha!!!

After figuring out what she was supposed to do, she quickly got to work on that cake.

There was no doubt she would love it since both her father and I are extreme sugar-holics. Love it she did.

Ta-da!!! I made a mess!

Next, we had a costume parade for the kiddies. Aunt Mariann and Grandma pulled out all the stops. They brought individual treats for each of the kids, right on down to jars of baby food for Sadie and Max. So funny! Hals is clearly mad in this picture. Actually, I don't think I have any pictures of her in her costume where she is happy. Oh well.
Grandma decorated scary faces on her bags of candy. She is too funny.

I just have to include this cause it cracks me up. Doyle keeps a large stash of HUGE pickles in the fridge for Mariann. Devin and Nort decided they wanted one too so everyone was sitting around washing down the cake with pickles. Sick.

That night, we got the girls dressed back up to go trick or treating! (Like they care, but I DID!) So again, Hals was quite mad. She wiped all her makeup off right after this, so that was the end of that. She spent the rest of the night looking like she had a few black eyes.

Sadie was Eyeore, Chris's favorite. We took them around a coul-de-sac trick or treating. That was pretty fun. Devin ate all Hallie's candy already, darn it all.

Ok, I lied. Here is a somewhat happy picture. Only because the ordeal was almost over. We were on our way to my dad's house so that the girls could trick or treat there.

Last, Hals got to open one more BIG present from dad and Sharon. She got this gigantic bear that is like twice her size. She loooooves it. She kept hugging it and saying "ohhhhhh" and throwing herself on top of it. Super funny. She loves stuffed animals, so it was the perfect gift for her. She has a small teddy that she sleeps with (well small compared to that) so on the drive home on Sunday, she had both in her arms. She would get mad if she lost one, so pretty much we couldn't see her the whole time until she fell asleep. It was cute.

Of course, gotta have a video of the cake eating extravaganza. She was shoving it in like she had never eaten before. Glad she enjoyed it, thats the last time she is getting that much cake for a lloooooooong time!
Sorry for the enormous amounts of pictures. We will see what we do on her actual birthday, Wednesday. We don't really know what to do, but want to make the day special for her, so we will see what we come up with! Hope everyone had as happy a Halloween as we did!


Emily Empey said...

THats so fun!!!! She is ADORABLE and looks like she Thoroughly enjoyed that cake!!! What a doll! I can't believe she is 1!!! Our babies are getting to big!~

Megan said...

So fun! What a cute girl :)

Carlie said...

What a doll. I'm sad I missed it. But can't wait to babysit. :)

LaNdOn & cHe' said...

I love this girl so much. Literally... it's sick. The video made me laugh, she learned to double fist it like her Aunt Che'. I was shocked you gave her an entire piece! I bet she loved that. So sad I missed the occasion!

Jaimie said...

She is sooo cute!! I love that you are going all out for her birthday:) One year is so fun to celebrate!

Jen said...

I'm loving all the pictures. In fact, I might have to steal a few for myself. I'm so glad that you guys made the trip for the weekend. It was so good to see you and to celebrate Hal's birthday!! Also, I love that in the video, we are all talking at once...which is what we do best.

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Soooooo funny!!!! That is the cutest 1st birthday cake I have ever seen in my life!!! And Hallie is just the most adorable little thing ever shoving that cake in her mouth!!! Can't believe she will be 1 tomorrow!!! This past year went by way too fast!!! Hallie shares her birthday with my brother! :) Love her Halloween costume too!!! So cute!!! I hope I get to see you in December woman!!! I miss your guts!

Mari Ann said...

Love the video!! That is priceless. I'm sure she will love it when you pull it out in a few years to show her boy friends!

Mike and Kim said...

Happy birthday to Hallie! She is definitely enjoying that cake. I can't believe she's already 1. Wow time does fly by...

The Lindes said...

too cute! i love the cake eating video. I will say, i didnt realize all those kids on the couch in their costumes were kids. i thought they were stuffed animals and toys!

Shawna said...

Happy birthday Hallie! what a cutie! I cannot believe she is one year old already!!