November 22, 2009

It's All Hereditary

Hallie has definitely received some hereditary traits from my side of the family...BOB- We like to call the "belly over belt" BOB for short. This most definitely better not come from me personally, but I do have a few uncles that I can name that have/had the BOB. Perhaps this picture just makes Hallie's tummy look extra large because her sweater is three sizes too small. You pick. However, definitely time to retire the sweater.

Chatterbox- This absolutely, 100% comes from Devin. The animated talking with the hands though, well that comes from me. I use my hands to talk when I am describing something to someone on the phone. Nevermind that they can't see me... Hallie talks with her hands all the time too. It is quite comical. (sorry this video is so dark, we have terrible lighting upstairs!)

Bad Driving- Yes, she got that one too. Poor girl! I fully admit that I am a terrible driver, but as you can see, so is she!!

Digging through the Garbage- Also, unfortunately something I have been known to do. No pictures of this, it just occurred to me because it is what Hallie is doing right now. Perhaps I should keep a better eye on my child?

It is good to know that she has at least some of my traits, although as she gets older, let's hope she starts to develop the more desirable ones...


Cara said...

cute! all the kids came running when I turned on your video, including Anton. I said is she speaking your language? and the twins said yes she said umbrella! by the way I am finally back to blogging again, thought i'd let everyone know since you all probly gave up on me thinking i was done for good.

lisa said...

Kim, she does not have a BOB! What are you thinking, she is just healthy. Is she walking all by herself now? I loved her pushing the stroller, too cute!! She is getting sooo big.

Carlie said...

I miss her! That bad driving video made me laugh right out loud. I think I should come over before I go home. :) I miss you guys. How cool of me to invite myself right there eh?

Jen said...

Oh my heck, I love the video of her pushing her stroller! So cute. I find myself wishing that Sadie was able to move around. But perhaps I should be grateful that she can't still and enjoy it while it lasts....

Now let's just hope she doesn't get the Hillam ankles. That would be BAD!!

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

I have so many things to say. First things first. Chatterbox from Devin? I hope you're kidding. Second of all, I love how when she was talking to you it looks like she genuinely thinks you can understand every word she says... like she is making perfect intuitive sense. The driving? Outrageous. I can't believe how good my little girl is walking. I miss her guts. You forgot one very familiar family trait that Hals DEFINITELY has... eating off of everyone's plate. She's a natural.

Emily Empey said...

Haha That is so funny! I love it!!! I love her chatter box video! absolutely adorable!!!!!!! Mary goes off like that at times and i am just like hmm interesting! haha i laugh so hard!!! And i LLLOOVE the driving video!! haha Love that little girl!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh my gosh... so HILARIOUS!!!! I love the driving video... and I must admit that trait is from you!! ha ha ha. We had some crazy driving experiences when we were roomies. :) Hallie is an absolute doll though!!!! So cute!!! We are heading to Idaho on the 23rd and will be there thru that Sunday the 27th!! Will you be in Idaho between that time?

Paige said...

Yeah, I don't know about the chatterbox one... Are you sure?? ;) She is adorable! Do you think she knows how many fans she has at work?

David Strobel said...


I love your blog! What a nice way to record your family history!
