October 13, 2009

Blog Stalking

I totally admit it. I am a massive blog stalker.

One thing leads to another and soon I have linked from one blog to another blog to another blog...and well, you know. (Don't deny it, you do it too). My blog stalking preference is (oddly enough) for people I don't even know. I am just so fascinated by people that I can't help but look at their blogs and want to know more about them. I have a special preference for blogs of people who are adopting or facing infertility. I guess that's natural since it is my line of work. I have been really inspired lately too from some of the stories I have read. I am impressed with the strength and character that people have through terrible tests of their faith. It inspires me to be better and above all to show more gratitude for my blessings, which are many.

Here's the problem. I am often even tempted to leave comments on these blogs! Is this weird? It would be like I am pointing at myself and saying, "yes, I have found your blog and I know all about you, yet you have no idea I even exist!" Weird. Yet, I want to just tell them how amazing they are and tell them to keep going; its worth it.

Really, I wouldn't be weirded out if someone I didn't know left me a nice comment. I would be flattered. I wouldn't think they were creepy at all. But when its me, its totally a different story.

What a problem.


Jaimie said...

That was really awesome to read!! Ha ha yes I think we all do it sometimes and I agree with you!! If I got a nice comment from someone I didn't know I would not think it's weird!! Just nice:) So you should comment away Kim!!

Paige said...

Admitting the problem is the first step, right? ;) We all do it so no worries. I totally agree, everyone loves getting comments but it's hard to put yourself out there like that!

Mike and Kim said...

I totally blog stalk and its fine to admit :). Thanks for your comments. I just love you Kim and you always give such inspiring words about infertility. I love that you have such a caring personality for people going through that. It truly does help so much when someone truly knows and cares what you're going through. That is one thing that's hard to explain to people when it's happening to you, but I appreciate all your sweet comments. Hopefully when Mike Graduates in May we'll get a job in Salt Lake and then we can hang out more!

LeMira said...

Is this post because I finally left a comment on your blog?! Yes, I think we all are blog stalkers. If you have a blog, then you'd better be prepared for anyone to read it. Coming from someone who has had random people read my blog, I've always appreciated the kind thoughts of strangers (not creeps). It helps when they tell me how they found my blog, but I always feel loved when someone reaches out that doesn't even know me.

Jen said...

I LOVE blog stalking! It's the best way to waste a ton of time. Not that I have a ton of time to be wasting....ha ha. Sometimes I Just get sucked in.

Kim said...

Yes I know. Not that I have a ton of time to be wasting either, but ya know. LeMira, no you did not inspire this post. :) You can comment any time you want.

Shawna said...

haha kim! that is what my whole master's thesis is about. I totally get to blog stalk and get a grade for it. Sounds fun, huh. So when are you coming to St. George??

Britt said...

Hahha People I don't know leave comments on my blog sometimes, I think it is fun to think that people read what I write. I figure if they dind't want you to read their blog then they would just block ya or go private! DOOO it!

Jeremy and Chari Gallup said...

So your post has inspired me to make a confession! I totally stock your blog! Sometimes I just run across different people and then never really read about them again. But, your life interests me for some reason! You always have great post and I love the name Hallie! I have a daughter named Sadie which also draws me to your sisters blog who I also often read. I find both of you very inspiring and often leave both of your blogs with tears in my eyes. You seem like such great people! I'm majoring in ELED but your job and the things you say about it often make me want to do that for a living! It sounds so rewarding and you seem to be great at it! When I read your blog I often find myself thinking...oh I hope she doesn't go private because I then I wouldn't be able to read about you anymore! Haha..how silly is this!!

P.S. I found you from Che...so I'm not totally crazy and random...I first looked at your blog because she often talked about you and your sister and I became interested in seeing who you were. Wow this feels really good to confess to my stalking! You should definitely start leaving comments!!

David Strobel said...


If it keeps you happy then stalk away.

See you in a week!


Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

ha ha ha!! I totally know what you mean... I'm a blog stalker as well!!! I, too, love reading about people's families and whatnot!!! It's just so fun! Even when I don't know them AT ALL!!!

lisa said...

I love your new pictures on your blog, they look great. Do they have therapy classes for blog stalking?

Emily Empey said...

I LOVE BLOG STALKING! Mary is down for a nap- and i should be cleaning my house or getting ready for the day- but nooooooooo blog stalking is MUCH more fun! haha