...shelves are your favorite birthday present. I told my mom that all I wanted for my birthday was for Dave, her husband, to come build me some shelves. Well, they came yesterday and I got my shelves! We have two storage room areas downstairs in our house and one of them had one flimsy shelf before that we were using for all of our food storage. It just wasn't pretty. Now... I know this next picture is not the best, but you get the idea of what the room looked like before.
New Shelves!
Doesn't that just look so much better? I realize that this is probably a terribly boring post, but I am posting it due to my extreme happiness. I seriously haven't been so excited about something in a long time!!! Thanks mom and Dave for these beauties!
Now, who wants to donate to our food storage so we can fill these shelves right up?
Oh my hell with the storage!!!!
oh my gosh! i'd say you're off to a good start! i'm jealous.
Oh wow!! Those boys did a great job! I am super jealous, I wish I had a food storage area. Hmmm maybe I will tell my dad and Lisa that's what I want for Christmas:;) Good thinking!! And it was nice to see Hallie on Friday, she is just such a doll!
They look pretty full already! You have a ton of water! I bet it weighs a ton too!
I don't blame you at all for wanting that for your birthday (which I missed by the way--Happy Birthday!!). It looks great!
wow kim the shelves look great and so does your food storage..you are doing awesome.
Wow! That looks perfect! Pretty sure I need a few of those in my apartments.
I think I would like shelves like that too... except for my shoes.
awesome- that's a perfect gift! very smart kim!
The shelves look great!! And so does your food storage! Good job you guys!
Your food storage space is awesome!!! I'm so jealous!!! I so want to be in a house! It's so hard being in a apartment with limited storage space to have any food storage!
umm...i am coming to your house in case of an emergency, just so u know. u r totally beating the world in the food storage game. way to go!
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