October 25, 2009

So Proud

Recently, the Coach's Trophy (The BCS Championship Trophy for 2010) came to Smith's. As you can see, Dr. Pepper sponsored it. Well, Devin (in his strapping Smith's uniform) took the opportunity to have his picture taken with it. I think its pretty funny. It looks like he has been superimposed into it, but it is definitely real. Awwwwwww. What a proud moment. When asked about it, Devin took the time to comment, "It was cool." Wow. We will leave it at that with those inspiring words from the man himself.


Jen said...

That's awesome Devin! I guess it'd mean more to me if I actually knew what it was, but it still is cool.

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Love the enthusiasm. It was so Devin. Cracked me up.

The Lindes said...

Awesome! I can hear you reading that blog to me, Kim! You guys are great!