Seriously, it is amazing to me how powerful a simple "thank you" can be.
I have been crazy busy at work lately. Swamped. Overwhelmed. On the verge of dying. (ok, maybe not that bad). But really busy (which is a good thing because it means more families are getting babies, but still overwhelming for us workers sometimes).
So today I met with my first client(s) at 11. The father in this family is the type of person that likes control, a lot of control, and you can tell he just thrives on power. Anyway, it was very draining to listen to him for an hour tell me basically how I need to do my job when I feel like I have been doing all I can for the case in question. I left said appointment feeling quite crappy due to the onslaught of negativity that had just happened.
My next appointment came at 1:30 and it was a birth mom that placed her baby 3 weeks ago. She is on the recovery and healing road. It was my last time meeting with her as she will be moving out of state. As we concluded the session, she and her boyfriend both proceeded to tell me how grateful they were for all the help and caring that I had given them. He even started crying. This is a girl who was transferred to me from another caseworker as a "difficult client". I worked hard to make sure she was happy and that her needs were met. And let me tell you, all that work was WELL WORTH IT for the simple thanks that I got from them. I didn't need any fancy gifts or flowers or anything else, but that thanks was enough to keep a smile glued to my face the rest of the time I was at work.
Oh, the power of a simple "thank you". So, why don't we do it more?
It is nice to feel appreciated every once in a while. This reminds me of the grand old days at LA Weightloss, where I was a manager for about a year. When our higher ups tried to motivate us, it usually went one of two ways:
1- "You make x amount of dollars today and we will give you a bonus!"
or (more often)
2- "you didn't make your goal today. You did this this this this this this this and this wrong. You are not making me happy. You need to do better. You need to set higher goals for yourself and there are no excuses if you do not achieve them...blah blah blah." You get the idea.
However, my co-workers there and I often talked about how nice it felt when someone actually said, "Hey, you did a good job and I appreciate all your hard work!" This rarely happened in the later days, but in the earlier days with a different boss, it happened a lot. And you know what? We were much more successful and driven to work a lot harder when we were told that we were appreciated.
I don't know why I felt the urge to write this. Probably just as a reminder to myself and whoever else reads this the power of showing gratitude.
I have been crazy busy at work lately. Swamped. Overwhelmed. On the verge of dying. (ok, maybe not that bad). But really busy (which is a good thing because it means more families are getting babies, but still overwhelming for us workers sometimes).
So today I met with my first client(s) at 11. The father in this family is the type of person that likes control, a lot of control, and you can tell he just thrives on power. Anyway, it was very draining to listen to him for an hour tell me basically how I need to do my job when I feel like I have been doing all I can for the case in question. I left said appointment feeling quite crappy due to the onslaught of negativity that had just happened.
My next appointment came at 1:30 and it was a birth mom that placed her baby 3 weeks ago. She is on the recovery and healing road. It was my last time meeting with her as she will be moving out of state. As we concluded the session, she and her boyfriend both proceeded to tell me how grateful they were for all the help and caring that I had given them. He even started crying. This is a girl who was transferred to me from another caseworker as a "difficult client". I worked hard to make sure she was happy and that her needs were met. And let me tell you, all that work was WELL WORTH IT for the simple thanks that I got from them. I didn't need any fancy gifts or flowers or anything else, but that thanks was enough to keep a smile glued to my face the rest of the time I was at work.
Oh, the power of a simple "thank you". So, why don't we do it more?
It is nice to feel appreciated every once in a while. This reminds me of the grand old days at LA Weightloss, where I was a manager for about a year. When our higher ups tried to motivate us, it usually went one of two ways:
1- "You make x amount of dollars today and we will give you a bonus!"
or (more often)
2- "you didn't make your goal today. You did this this this this this this this and this wrong. You are not making me happy. You need to do better. You need to set higher goals for yourself and there are no excuses if you do not achieve them...blah blah blah." You get the idea.
However, my co-workers there and I often talked about how nice it felt when someone actually said, "Hey, you did a good job and I appreciate all your hard work!" This rarely happened in the later days, but in the earlier days with a different boss, it happened a lot. And you know what? We were much more successful and driven to work a lot harder when we were told that we were appreciated.
I don't know why I felt the urge to write this. Probably just as a reminder to myself and whoever else reads this the power of showing gratitude.
You said it, and as a mom I feel like it is the most unappriciated job ever. yet very rewarding.
Anyway I'm Adrianne, we are kind of related, through mariage that is. I am Dave's son Jesse's wife. we have met a few times, just did not know if you remembered. Just saw your blog on Jaimie's thought I would say hello and that Hallie is a doll, and that I will be checking in from time to time that is if you dont mind.
Yes, I could tell by your face today after that first appointment that things were a bit frustrating at the moment! It's true how a simple thank you can make your day. I think our clients forget sometimes how much time and effort we put into them! Here's hoping to a better day tomorrow for you.
I swear if it wouldn't have been for the awesome people we worked with (most of them) we would have gone out of our minds and probably done some serious vandalizing to those corporate peeps! How did we ever survive? Love your posts, love the blog, love you! You are so inspiring!
We think you're awesome! Keep up the good work. Thanks for being up front and honest with us the last time, while being kind at the same time. We've done so much more lately with spreading the word, and it's because you were willing to push a little out of our comfort zone. I think you're great!
Thanks for sharing Kim:) It is a great reminder.
Yes I totally agree that we need to say thank you and be more grateful. Even at school when I hold the door for someone and they don't say anything it makes me think well I won't hold the door open for you again. But then I do for another person and they are sweet and say thank you. I even wave at drivers when they stop for me at a crosswalk, because I know they might be in a hurry and it's nice to get a thank you. :)
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