May 20, 2009

Widow's Peak

Check out Hallie's widow's peak as demonstrated in these photos... (you might have to enlarge to get the full effect)
I have never quite realized how bad it is. Maybe it is now that she has a tad bit of hair I can tell. But really, look at that! It is apparently highly genetic, so I guess all our kids will probably have one, thanks to Devin. Seriously, what do you do with a girl's hair when she has a widow's peak? Maybe its a bit early for me to be worrying about this, but what can I say, I am a worrier! Due to the off chance that she suddenly wakes up with a bunch of hair, I think I better start thinking about it! Any ideas?


The Lindes said...

i have no idea, but she is so cute!

Emily Empey said...

ohhh she is adorable! Kim i have a widows peak too! Mine is sooo bad!!- it is possible! Good luck! ( just hope the girl isn't as lazy as me and put it in ponytails the rest her life! )

Arizona Sun said...

Yeah, if you don't start thinking about it now, it WILL sneak up on you overnight.
She is cute though

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Oh my gosh! Kim!! She looks so different! She is blonde now! And her eyelashes are super long... and I can't believe I'm saying this, but her legs look even a little bit chubbier! I miss her so much. I can't wait to see her!

Jen said...

Hey now...I have a widow's peak and it's really not that bad. I don't think you need to worry. Super cute pics!