Here are a few things that we have been up to lately!
1) We finally planted a garden! It is mini, but cute. I am sure it won't be cute when there are weeds and stuff, but that is what Devin is for, right? Just kidding...
2) My dear friend Kylee graduated from one of the most brutal programs that I have ever heard about, the dental hygiene program at ISU (My mom graduated from the same program when I was in high school and she has barely recovered). I am so proud of Ky and the hard work she has put in. Camille and I drove to Pocatello for the day to see a graduation ceremony held in her honor (okay, not just hers, everyone who graduated with her, but still...)
This is our engagement photo look-a-like. Ha ha!
Camille, Kylee and I with Hals. Everyone thought that Hallie was Camille's and asked her how old her baby is. She kind of does look like Camille more than me, huh?

3) Birth Mother's Day and celebration walk at Provo High. We were able to attend the walk this year, which was awesome. There was a great turn out and I got to talk to a lot of people who are involved in the world of adoption. I am so enthralled with my job, it is becoming a passion. I love it. I love everything about adoption and the wonderful process that it is, the miracles it creates, the lives it touches. Birth Mother's Day is officially held the Saturday before Mother's Day to honor these wonderful women for the sacrifices that they have made. I think too often we only think of "mothers" in one sense, those who have borne their own children. However, there are those who place their children for adoption and also those who are infertile or struggle to have their own children. To me, they are no less mothers because of their circumstances. I love that we honor birth mothers and give them their own special day, because they deserve it.
Devin loves to be photographed, can you tell?
Hallie was looooving this mat. My supervisor's grandson was running back and forth on it while she sat there and she was laughing so hard. I have no idea what she found so entertaining about that, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
4) Mother's Day. I told Devin not to get me anything for Mother's Day and legitimately thought I had him convinced. But, I woke up on Sunday morning to flowers and a new outfit. Go Dev! But the best present of the day was being with my sweet husband and my hilarious daughter. Can you see why she has stolen my heart?
Don't mind my ugly t-shirt, gotta be comfy on Sundays, you know?
Speaking of which, my mom (and my dad and Sharon) have yet to receive the cards I sent for Mother's Day and my dad's birthday (which is today) due to the fact that they were sitting in my mailbox for three days. I kept thinking that the mailman was making me really mad because he never took them, he just simply put our mail in there with them. Then, I finally pulled them out and realized that I had not written addresses on any of them! I am such a dingbat. Ha ha, the poor guy was probably like, "When is that woman going to figure out that I can't take her mail until she tells me where it is going!" Yes, I am a dork sometimes. So sorry Mom, Dad, and Sharon. Your cards are now officially on their way.
Kim, you are hilarious! You're not pregnant are you? That sounds like a forgetful thing a pregnant woman would do. :) I'm sorry I missed the adoption walk--it sounds like it was another success.
Wow, sounds like you have been busy. I have missed you guys so much. I will be flying into Idaho for a couple of days at the end of May. Maybe we can work out a way for me to get to see you girls.... I love you Kimbo and Hals.
Oh my gosh, your baby is getting so big and so so cute!!! I love her chubby cheeks ;)
Kim thanks so much for remembering my b-day, your are a great friend! Hals is so cute!!! I can't wait to kiss her cheeks this summer :)
That is funny about the mail because Steve even made a comment the other day about how you always had mail in your mailbox to send. I don't think he realized it was the same mail every day:)
You busy woman!!! Looks like you've been having fun though! And it sounds like you had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day! :) I'm loving Hallie in these pictures! She just looks like the happiest child on the planet!!!! Tell Kylee congrats on the graduation for me!!!
ohhhhhh Hallie is soooooooooooo adorable seriously!~!! i love her! Looks like you have had fun! Glad you had a great Mothers day you deserved it! Congrats to Billsey!!
haha kim you crack me up!
Hallie so SO DANG CUTE! I love that huge smile on her face! LOve Love Love it!
How fun you got to see Ky graduate! Congrats to her!
That red polka dot outfit that Hals is wearing is so cute. Can't wait to see you tomorrow! It's going to be lots of fun....
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