May 18, 2009


With this participation in my ward's intramural softball team, I have now accomplished 1/4 of the things on my to do list (well 25 out of 101, so pretty close).
We are the Peaches, and we rock. Okay, so we are pretty good. Ok, so half of us are pretty good. The other half, well, we have fun. :)
Thanks to my awesome friend Ashleigh, for I stole this picture right from her.


LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

good job Kim! Keep it up. I think I need to make me a list too. I will get on that.

Jen said...

Wow Kim, you really are cruising on your list. I am very impressed! I know that I wouldn't even begin to come close to how well you're doing. Maybe that's why I haven't even written a list in the first place. Ha ha!