May 5, 2009

It's Official

I can't count the number of times I have used that title. It just cracks me up. Okay, It's official that Hals is one big girl!! Here are her stats, since I know everyone was dying to know:

Height: 26.5 inches (90%)

Weight: 18 pounds 4 ounces (90%)

Overall, not as large as I was expecting! But still, one large girl.


Emily Empey said...

how adorable at 6 months old!! Marys is 9 months and weighs--15 lb 14 oz. and 26 inches! How funny! They are the same height! and 3 pounds apart

Paige said...

Oh my, Kim. There are no words for how cute she is. How can you possibly be in a bad mood looking at that face!?!

Megan said...

Big, yes, but so cute! By the way, I've been meaning to tell you that I left my FHE packets with Mindy Dahl because you were gone when we moved--hopefully she brought them to you :)

Hil said...

I know Hallie is already claimed by Haylee's cute little boy... but I must say she is quite the match up for my little guy!

He was ALWAYS at least in the 90th percentile. Everyone kept telling me he would level off, but I secretly wanted him to stay chubby forever.

Hallie is adorable Kim! I just want to squeeze those cheeks!

David Strobel said...


She has a personality so much like yours. She is beautiful!


LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Well, It's better than 30% height and 90% weight, right?

The Lindes said...

HAHA! She's only 4 oz smaller than Ally! I can't believe that!

Linda, Brad and they're driving us mad said...

She is miniature. She is so cute. I can't wait to see her again so I can squeeze her checks. Give her a squeeze for me.

Jen said...

I love her thighs. She is adorable. Sadie's got some catching up to do.

Mike and Kim said...

I just can't believe how adorable she is! I can't wait to see her this summer and you! I miss everyone!

hayleemj said...

How stinkin cute is that picture?! And that outfit is adorable! Love the leggings!

Oh man she is the cutest little (big) girl ever! :)

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

Very cute! She is rivaling my baby. Okay not quite. I love the chubby ones except for when you have to carry them around... and with those dang heavy car seats. Good luck with that. You'll have back problems the rest of your life =)

be said...

That title cracks me up, too.