December 15, 2008

Sleep Tips

So I am in need of some serious help. Hallie is not a good sleeper. (And for any of you that know me well, you know that I LOOOOOVE sleep and I have to have it!). In the beginning, she was only getting up once per night and that was GREAT, but now she is getting up at least 3 times per night and it is taking its toll on me! I read in a book that our doctor gave us (I call it the baby Bible...I love it. Its called baby 411 for any of you that are interested) that if you get them to bed earlier, they will sleep later, and that seems to be helping. BUT--here is the problem. She wakes up every 3 hours like clockwork to be fed. So I feed her, lay her back down, and boom, 15 minutes later, she is wide awake. Most nights, I make Devin get up and rock her back to sleep, but sometimes I feel bad for him, so I just do it (like last night... he had a test at 7 am, so I let him sleep. But, I was so dead tired this morning, neither Hallie or I got dressed till 11 am...yeah, not good). Getting her to go back to sleep is the main issue. She just doesn't like to do it. I know she is too young (she is 6 weeks today) still to really be able to put herself back to sleep, but we have been trying that lately too, with minimal success. I will just lay her back down, put her binkie in her mouth and see if she will fall back asleep on her own. It works about half the time. The other half of the time, she is crying within minutes, wanting to be held. ARGH!!!! This too shall pass, right? Any good tips!? It's a good thing I love her or else I might not be so willing to wake up so frequently in the night!

Oh and here are some adorable pictures of her in her Christmas dress that she wore to church yesterday. Gotta thank my mom for the cute dress. The only problem was, it was a little slippery, so she was kinda hard to hold onto!


Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

She looks adorable in that dress!! Such a precious baby! I don't have any tips for you since I don't have a little one myself.. I do hope things get better though! Sleep is a must!

hayleemj said...

Lets see... I almost forget the newborn stages and what we did with Jackson. I feel like he has been a pretty good sleeper, but i DO know we had nights that weren't wonderful. Have you ever heard of Baby Wise? That book was great to me and I lived by it. The idea is that you need to have a routine durning the day and it will help them sleep at night. First you feed them and then after they have eaten make sure they have some wake time (for newborns it isn't very long 30-45 mins or whatever it needs to be) and then you let them sleep. So it is Eat, Wake, Sleep.... then Start the cycle over again.
I hope that isn't too confusing, if you get a chance you should get the book- it obviously explains it a lot better and more detailed.
Good luck with everything! She is a beautiful baby.

hayleemj said...

Oh they also do believe in Crying it Out and we did that with Jackson... but I still don't know how early is too early for that. Sometimes I felt like we did that way to early with Jackson. It is hard to listen to a baby cry... but then again he would cry when I held him too, so every baby is different.

marc and becky said...

Kim she is so adorable!! One of my friends told me of a book that she swears by. She said the techniques helped her baby sleep through the night by 6 weeks. I cant remember the name of it right now, but i'll call you with it later. My house work and laundry gets put on hold alot of the time because when Tyson goes down for naps during the does mom:)

Emily Empey said...

Oh kimmie!!! I have found this site on the internet and it has worked SOOOO well with Mary! Mary has slept through the night since she was 2 months!!!! The lady on this site personalises and take in account YOUR baby and helps you with YOUR baby! I love it- her name is Dana0- and you just fill out a few questions on this website and she emails you--- and she helps you through and doesn't believe in crying it out-- Mary Sleeps through the night and goes to sleep on her own now!!! I love it and i never had to make her CRY herself to sleep! Now when shes stired she hardly wants me to rock her! well enough babble- emial me if you have ???'s and here is that website!

Cody and Meg said...

Well lets see...Its hard for me to remember what it was like to have a newborn but maybe if I think hard enough I can come up with something. Ha ha for real though, my family has all read this book called baby wise. I haven't read any of the other posts to know if that was already talked about but almost all 13 of my nieces and nephews sleep like rock stars because of that book. So you could give that a try. Good luck! I hate missing out on sleep!

cortney and neil said...

Good luck is all I can say. Neither Mason or Avy slept through the night until they were over a year. I am bound and determined to have this one be different. We'll see. So I have been listening to Neil Baby all day. I can't wait!

The Lindes said...

She is too cute. I dont know if this would work for you guys or if you would even do it, but we just had Ally sleep in a swing for about 3 weeks and then slowly introduced her to the crib. She would sleep the entire night through when in the swing. It was awesome!

Hil said...

I realize that there have been a few books mentioned already, but I thought I would share mine with you as well. Caleb has always been a HORRIBLE sleeper.. and not only is it physically draining, but it is emotionally draining. I feel for you!

The book is called "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". It is a great book that talks about putting your child to bed earlier in the evening so that they will sleep longer. It also has a whole back section dedicated to other sleep problems (like if the baby is sick or something).

Good luck! She is absolutely adorable, I hope she learns to sleep better... and I hope she does it a lot quicker than Caleb did!

Shawna said...

totally read that book--worked for me too (although I never really read it, I just heard about it from a lot of friends--they each told me what they liked and I took their advice, took some other advice from my mother and then did my own thing). feel free to call me any time and I'll give you loads of advice..some good, and maybe some not so good (all depends on your opinion)Heidi was a terrible sleeper but we spoiled her rotten and then the other two have both been sleeping at least 8 hours through the night since 6 weeks. I am like one of those annoying know it alls when it comes to sleep and babies and I tell everyone that complains what to do- so call me if you want me to preach to you.
ARE YOU GOING TO BE IN IDAHO FOR CHRISTMAS??? we need to throw Jen a shower! By the way I am really excited to meet little Hallie-she is so cute!!!

Lauren said...

Carly was sleeping through the night practically from birth (12 days), but swaddling was key! The tighter, the better. She would wake up if it came loose. She was swaddled until almost 7 months, but I got great sleep. Also, the resource FSA directs adoptive parents to is, I think, baby sleep solution. It was just in the last workshop. I think I have a handout in 214. Worth looking into.

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

Sorry I haven't called you back yet. I totally know how hard it is!!! Everyone had great advice but unfortunately every baby is different. My two are WAY different. Some conform way easy to schedules and others are a little trickier. that hardest part for me is disciplining myself. When we are out on the go or even out of town it seems the schedule gets out of wack and then it is like starting all over again. BITES! I just need to call you so you can vent and I can relate (since I am still in the sleepless night phase myself!).

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

PS DANG cute little girl!! How could I forget to comment on that?!?!

Ashleigh said...

She's so cute in that dress!!

Mike and Kim said...

Oh Kim, you are such a great and patient mother. I hope to be just like that someday with my kids. I wish I had some advice for you, but I don't. Good Luck and I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!!!