December 18, 2008

A New Discovery

Devin talks in his sleep. Yep, I have never known this until last night after one of my late night "bondings" with Hallie. I arrived back in bed just in time to have the following conversation with him:

D:(In his best baby voice) Do you have poops?!
K: What?
D:(Again in his best baby voice) Do you have poops?!
K: Are you talking about Hallie?
D: yep
K: No, she didn't poop
D: (Again in his best baby voice) Oh good girl!!
K: Okay. Are you sleeping?
D: No response

This morning, I asked him about it. He had no recollection. Well, all I can say is what a good daddy that he is so concerned about his daughter pooping that he dreams about it. But, let's be honest, when you become parents, you all the sudden care a whole lot more about poop than you did before.

Devin is such a good dad. He has a way with Hallie that I don't. He can get her to sleep much more efficiently than I can. Look at how cute this is.

Also because Hallie is so cute and she loves to make funny faces, here is a bonus picture.


Emily Empey said...

ok that is hilarious! And thats an adorable "daddys little girl" picture!!! and wow that is quite a face!! how funny! what a cutie Hallie is!

Jen said...

That is hilarious! Chris also talks in his sleep. So fun..
By the way, I love the picture of Hallie's funny face. She is getting so big!!

Jalayne said...

Love the funny face baby pictures!

Unknown said...
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Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Hilarious!!!!! I love when people talk in their sleep!! So entertaining! And love the baby pic! She's so cute!!! You getting any sleep yet?

Cody and Meg said...

Oh my gosh, I love Devin and I love the way you tell stories! I'll let you know when I care that much about poop too? So about Roy Croft...I knew you would notice that! Ha ha I was going to tell you about it but I thought it would be more fun to have you see it yourself. (I don't think it is the Roy we know but if I find out it is it will be quickley removed from my blog) By the way Hallie is such a cute little bug!