April 2, 2017

Watch me Grow: Lizzie 6 months

Little missy turned 6 months in January. Here is my instagram update on what she was up to that month: 

We're a day late, but happy 6 months to this baby pie. It is so cliché, but man, time has gone by so fast! At 6 months, Lizzie:
  • *sleeps 7pm to 7 am (finally!)
    *eats solids like a champ and likes it all, except green beans, which she threw up (little diva)
    *plays with toys and tries to eat them all
    *is almost always happy. She's still the smileyest little thing.
    *weighs 15 pounds, 3 ounces (35th percentile) yay gaining weight!
    *24 3/4 inches (15th percentile) (weird)
    *50th percentile for head.

    I admit my major bias, but I think she's up there as one of the cutest, smartest, and most delightful babies ever. 😉 She's a fabulous little caboose. #lizziedawn

Cute overalls courtesy of Aunt Mari Ann!

Don't Moose with me! Jammies courtesy of Uncle Brad :)

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