April 2, 2017

Happy 12th Birthday Flor!!!

On January 6, cute little Florinda Binda turned 12!! It is so hard to believe that she is TWELVE! Really....where has time gone?? Flor is only a little bit taller and a little bit pudgier than when she first got home, so it is easy to believe that she is still a little girl, but in truth, she is going to junior high next year and is now officially in Young Women's at church (though she actually goes to nursery still :) ) Flor is a sweetheart and a very special part of our family. She is so loving, fun, and happy. She loves Jesus and talks about Him all the time (through sign), and she also loves babies and talks about them all the time. Having Lizzie has just been a dream come true for this baby loving girl. Flor also loves her Ipad, music, food (mostly rice), the bus, dancing, and Mickey Mouse. She is such a joy to have and I truly feel such a depth of gratitude to know that she is my daughter. Her life and presence in my life has taught me more about the love of our Heavenly Father than any other thing in my life.

Flor's birthday is always hard because first, it is right after Christmas, and second she does not like toys or other normal kid stuff, and third, she is so small and she never grows, so her wardrobe is always overflowing. So needless to say, presents are always tough. This year, we mostly stuck with more clothes. We had a low key dinner at home (rice I am sure) and cinnamon rolls instead of cake, which was a brilliant idea, because she actually ate it. She doesn't like sweets too much (weird girl). 

Here's a few pictures of the cutie on her big day.

From Jace: Dear Flor, happy birthday. You are a very nice girl and you have a very nice birthday and you be a nice girl (something something) Happy birthday, have a very nice year. Happy birthday to you.

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