April 2, 2017

Watch Me Grow: Lizzie 7 months

February brought Lizzie to 7 months. Holy smokes, time flies. I can't even say how fast this has gone! She is a beauty and a joy and we all adore her. 

Lizzie at 7 months:
*sits like a champ and will yell if you try to lay her down
*eats everything. Prefers table food to baby food hands down. Still eats baby food, but tries almost everything we eat too
*nowhere near crawling 

*been a little fussier this month...we think some teeth are trying to pop through!
*sleeps 12 hours at night and is hit and miss on naps. She does still nap, but sometimes only for 45 minutes
*wearing 3 to 6 month and 6 month clothes 

*has more hair than any of our other babies ever did (minus Flor! 😉)
*still our little love and we adore her!!

February Randoms

February was filled with a lot of dreary snow days, but we managed to get through it. Here's are randomness from the month. 

Poor Lizzie just can't quite see over Mishell's hair!

Devin and I went on a date to the temple, except I forgot my temple recommend, so instead we roamed Target. Oops.

We actually thought ahead and did a fun Valentine's Activity for the kids where we put a new heart on their door each day, telling them something we love about them. 

This diet coke can just really made me happy (and I think this means I have posted pictures of diet coke two months in a row. That's kind of embarrassing)

After the kids caught on to what we were doing with the hearts on their doors, they started doing one for us each night too. Here is my favorite...they love that I love my "self-phone". But how true is that misspelling???

For a few months I had the privilege of having almost weekly Thursday lunch dates with this great woman. This is Laurie, a coworker of mine at the hospital. She's one of a kind- truly and I loved our time together. She was out on disability and thought she would never be able to come back, but miraculously, she has come back recently! So yay. But I will miss our Thursday lunches.

This should be on the lizzie post, but oh well. This is the little lady's newest favorite toy. Glad for any entertainment we can get!

Mishell has been to multiple boy/girl parties these days--holy smokes, am I old enough for this???

My Utah Adoption Specialists group and our adoptive parent board hosted an adoption social. We had an ice skating party that was a ton of fun! I took Lizzie out in the carrier for a while, but then the guy told me that actually was not allowed...Oops. It makes sense really, because how good am I at ice skating?? Not good. They did allow strollers on the ice though, so we will remember that for next time.

Some of my coworkers (minus Lauren) and two of our board members. It such a blessing to associate with such amazing women.

The kids on Valentine's Day. 

UAS also hosted our next series of training classes. We had such a large crowd this time that we had to move locations last minute! It was a ton of work, but awesome as usual.

Our poor van-- it has been such a trusty car, but it really is ugly. Devin and Hallie were headed out on a date night and were rear ended and of course the person drove off. So awesome--not. It was the last straw for the poor van and we finally decided to get rid of it. We now have a new van- I think pictures are in the March bunch. I truly felt sad when this van drove away though...how weird is that????

We have been wanting to do DNA testing for Mishell and Flor for a long time!! We finally sent in their samples and we are anxiously awaiting their samples to come back!

Flor doing her spit sample for her DNA test. 

Dad and Jace went to Boondocks for their date night and went bowling. Sounds like they had a blast.
It was my co-worker Kim's last day at ORMC this day. I will really miss her! We became good friends, but the good news is that we can still be friends outside of work. Ha. It is kind of lonely being the only Kim, though!

Happy 12th Birthday Flor!!!

On January 6, cute little Florinda Binda turned 12!! It is so hard to believe that she is TWELVE! Really....where has time gone?? Flor is only a little bit taller and a little bit pudgier than when she first got home, so it is easy to believe that she is still a little girl, but in truth, she is going to junior high next year and is now officially in Young Women's at church (though she actually goes to nursery still :) ) Flor is a sweetheart and a very special part of our family. She is so loving, fun, and happy. She loves Jesus and talks about Him all the time (through sign), and she also loves babies and talks about them all the time. Having Lizzie has just been a dream come true for this baby loving girl. Flor also loves her Ipad, music, food (mostly rice), the bus, dancing, and Mickey Mouse. She is such a joy to have and I truly feel such a depth of gratitude to know that she is my daughter. Her life and presence in my life has taught me more about the love of our Heavenly Father than any other thing in my life.

Flor's birthday is always hard because first, it is right after Christmas, and second she does not like toys or other normal kid stuff, and third, she is so small and she never grows, so her wardrobe is always overflowing. So needless to say, presents are always tough. This year, we mostly stuck with more clothes. We had a low key dinner at home (rice I am sure) and cinnamon rolls instead of cake, which was a brilliant idea, because she actually ate it. She doesn't like sweets too much (weird girl). 

Here's a few pictures of the cutie on her big day.

From Jace: Dear Flor, happy birthday. You are a very nice girl and you have a very nice birthday and you be a nice girl (something something) Happy birthday, have a very nice year. Happy birthday to you.

Watch me Grow: Lizzie 6 months

Little missy turned 6 months in January. Here is my instagram update on what she was up to that month: 

We're a day late, but happy 6 months to this baby pie. It is so cliché, but man, time has gone by so fast! At 6 months, Lizzie:
  • *sleeps 7pm to 7 am (finally!)
    *eats solids like a champ and likes it all, except green beans, which she threw up (little diva)
    *plays with toys and tries to eat them all
    *is almost always happy. She's still the smileyest little thing.
    *weighs 15 pounds, 3 ounces (35th percentile) yay gaining weight!
    *24 3/4 inches (15th percentile) (weird)
    *50th percentile for head.

    I admit my major bias, but I think she's up there as one of the cutest, smartest, and most delightful babies ever. 😉 She's a fabulous little caboose. #lizziedawn

Cute overalls courtesy of Aunt Mari Ann!

Don't Moose with me! Jammies courtesy of Uncle Brad :)