August 9, 2015


Poor 2nd child syndrome..Jace is definitely getting the worst end of my documenting his life and happenings. With Hallie, I was oh so good. But, poooor Jace. Anyway, I am going to be better about documenting some of the things he says, so here we go:

In the car one day when he and Hallie were fighting, Devin said, "How about we all just stop talking?" and he piped up in his most cheerful voice, "That's a great plan, dad!"

One day, Jace came bursting into my room to tell me that Flor was being naughty and that she was following "Sid." So the conversation then ensued:
Me: Who is Sid?
Jace: You know, SID!
Me: No? What does he look like?
Jace: Gray hair, about to here (his shoulders), gray eyes...
Me: ? Tell me more...
Jace: You know, if you are good you follow Jesus and if you are naughty you follow Sid...
Me: Oh, SATAN?!

(And then we had a discussion about how it is not nice to state that your sister is following Satan. Poor little 4 year old does not understand the implications of that! And also questioning why he thinks he knows what Satan looks like...)

While hiking one day, we mentioned that we were getting into the "wilderness"
Jace: "Oh no, are we not following the prophet!?"
It took us a minute...but we realized that he is thinking of bible stories such as Moses wandering in the wilderness...

When we were waiting to be matched with M: Jace was saying his personal prayers one night and said "Heavenly Father, just tell Ecuador that it's okay for "M" to come home! We are ready!"

From Facebook: Life with Jace: Apparently today before anyone knew he was gone, Jace went over to the neighbor's house (three doors down) and brought her three cookies (days old, not even fresh) and a handful of cherries from the fridge just because he felt like sharing. This afternoon, she decided to return the favor and brought us a big box of creamies. I think we got the better end of the deal, right? 

An update to that story: A few weeks later, the same neighbor stopped me at church and told me that Jace came over again. This time he brought ritz crackers and then asked her for ice cream. Oh boy. We have got to work on manners and what is and is not good neighbor-etiquette. This lady is the sweetest lady ever, luckily, and told me he can come over anytime for ice cream! 

This past week, Steve and Jen were visiting. I asked Jace to go put some letters in the mailbox (my first mistake- although putting things in the mailbox is something I normally have him do with no problems...). Anyway, apparently Jace instead walked outside, walked around with them in a circle three times and then chucked them over the neighbor's backyard fence. UGH! That kid. The bad news is that they were letters for some of my business's contractors WITH their paychecks and forms from their clients. The good news is that Steve saw it happen (hallelujah) and thus alerted me. Otherwise I probably never would have known the letters were gone. Anyway, this was the crack of dawn, so I knocked on the neighbors' door (we don't know them) and when they didn't answer, creeped into their backyard through a side fence to retrieve the mail. That's the last time I assign Jace that task!

Jace is just such an interesting child. He can be the SWEETEST kid and he can also be the NAUGHTIEST kid. He is one or the other, rarely in between. Love him both ways-- though I think I can do with less of the naughty. :)

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