August was a fun-filled and busy month, much like July! We had a bucket list for the summer and seemed to hit most everything we wanted to do. Here's a little rundown:
We have made it a mini tradition (not quite a full blown "Clark Holiday" yet) to go to Lagoon each summer with whoever can make it. This year, we met up with Cort, Che, Carlie, Jen, and Brad's kids for a little fun in the sun. Even though I rode approximately 384 kiddie rides and approximately 0 adult rides, we had a blast. It really is fun seeing things through your kids' eyes. Hallie went off with the big kids and rode all the crazy rides, like Cannibal, and loved them all. I didn't see her most of the day, so I hardly have any pictures of her. Anyway, here's a few of what we have!
These two-- they are just so funny together. Two best buddies. |
Jace typically gives Hudson a kiss on the cheek whenever they leave each other. Hopefully someday they will grow out of that phase, but for now its cute! :0 |
After Splash Mountain, the log ride at Lagoon is really cute lame. Oh well... |
Hudson somehow got himself stuck between the bars, but some nice friendly stranger helped pry him out and all was well. |
Soaking wet but loving life (stolen from my sister. Thanks, sister) |
Perry Family Reunion:
Apparently I was really, REALLY awful at taking pictures at the Perry Reunion. We had a ton of fun at Cherry Hill with the whole family & some exciting times too. :) We won't soon forget this reunion! I had to leave partway through the afternoon to go do a birth parent relinquishment (bad timing, but babies come when they come...) so I missed out on the later activities. We all had a great time though and the kids have been begging to go back since. Cherry Hills is really close to our house, so maybe we need passes next year ? Anyway, here are the (few) photos I got:
You can't tell, but that's Hallie :) |
Despite her face, Flor did love the slides (with Uncle Travis especially-most definitely her favorite person ever) |
Samara and Katelyn |
Cute Kylie |
Slava and Kylie |
Hallie thinks she is one of the big girls and spent the entire day with Travis' girls, all of whom are older than she is |
Brynlee, Bentley, and Jace |
And cool Aunt Shawna |
And yep, that's the extent of the pictures, folks. Might have to steal some from others. Jana and Karl were even in town and there are NO pictures of them. Sad day.
Mom/Popp"e" Reunion:
On the flip side, I have an abundance of pictures from my mom and Dave's reunion. In my defense, though, it's not because we love them more, but because we were there for three days. On the bad side, I have no pictures of mom and Dave, or of Dave's kids (except one of Jesse on the boat). We really do all get along really well, considering that we became step-siblings while we were all adults. Dave's kids are all really great and we had a ton of fun together. We'd stay up late playing games or sitting around the fire and it was a blast. Dave has three kids, Jesse (who has a wife. Heather, and five kids), Jaimie (who has a husband, Jon, and two kids), and Josh (who has a wife, Natalie, and a son). My only sibling missing was Clark. Mom and Dave rented a cabin near the lake in Island Park. We had a great time playing at the lake, riding on the side-by-side, playing games, roasting smores, going for walks, and the kids went fishing. We missed a rafting trip down the river the first day because we weren't quite there. Island Park holds so many of my childhood memories- it was so fun to be there and feel like "home", even though I rarely go there anymore. The cabin we stayed at is near the Strobel cabin (my family's cabin) and I was telling Devin all the memories as we drove by. So much fun.
Anyway, here's a load of pictures to illustrate our fun.
Isn't that just absolutely beautiful!? |
The funniest thing about the kids is that they all seemed to enjoy playing on the dock and in the sand more than anything. Jace especially would beg to go back to shore when we were on a boat ride so that he could play. Good thing we attached a life jacket to that kid 100% of the time At one point, we were up on the grass (a ways up) and Jaimie yelled that Jace had just fallen off the dock. Jon and I went running and there he was bobbing in the water. He had been jumping off earlier, but someone was watching him. At this point, he was supposed to be on the sand playing, but who knows what happened. Anyway, it was one of those moments where my heart just stopped, but luckily he was there grinning at us when we got there. Thank goodness for life jackets. |
Jen and Brookie going for a ride |
What we have discovered about Flor this summer: she loves thrilling things. Rides at Lagoon she LOVES, riding the boat and jetski- she also loved. Good to know! |
Jesse and a boat full of children (and Jen back there) |
We'd eat lunch on the grass each day so we could spend more time at the lake. Such a fun time. Don't ask me what Hallie is doing... |
My mom and Dave are awesome and so generous- in addition to renting the cabin, they rented the side-by-side, the boat, and the jetski. We just had to pay for gas and provide a meal. I'd say we got the best end of the deal! Here we are with Flor (and the trash) on a little ride. |
Again, Flor loved it. Hands up in the air like she's on a ride! She's so silly. |
Oh and BEST part of the trip is that we got to meet baby Luke!! This is my brother Michael and sister-in-law Lara's new baby boy. He is darling (and reminds me so much of Mikey as a baby). He is a chunk. We love him and we are especially glad that Jacer is not the only boy anymore!! |
Cute Claire and Flor just loving their ride |
Hallie really loved riding on the tube. She went multiple times with different people. Here she is with Sadie |
Claire and Lara |
Apparently three is too many on the tube..sinking is no bueno |
I did some knee boarding |
As did Jennifer |
Devin didn't want to do anything in the water. He prefers to be in the boat rather than out. It wasn't the best of weather, so I don't really blame him, but still. Next time, maybe. |
Mikey skiing |
This is the first of a series of shots of me biffing. No good. I did get up on skiis the next day, but apparently there are no photos of it. |
Wide open country. Just because it's pretty |
Me and my cute man. |
Baby Luke! |
My mom is a really great grandma. She had all these crafts and games for the kids to do, including making t-shirts. I think I was in the shower or something when this was happening. Devin helped Flor make hers. It says "Made in Ecuador". He thinks he is pretty funny (and he is). Ha ha. |
The lake was perfect. Not huge, not crazy busy, just awesome fun. |
Devin learned to drive the boat! |
Oh and don't worry, this person just has a little helicopter pad by their cabin where they keep their helicopter. You know, just in case they want to fly around the lake a little. We watched him take off here & it was pretty cool. The kids loved it. |
Dave had this awesome kite and it was perfectly windy one afternoon. |
Flor, about ready to dive in (luckily she did not ) |
Jace in his element |
Devin wins the prize for being the cutest uncle. He is just so good with kids of all shapes and sizes. Here is he crawling around the grass with Emma. |
The last night, Steve and Dave took the kids fishing. Hallie and Jace have wanted to go all summer, but you know, we don't know how to fish, or own any fishing supplies, so that makes it hard. Jace was grumpy and had to go to bed, but Hallie got to go and she caught a fish! Yay! She had such a great time. |
Thanks again, Mom and Popp"E" for the great reunion!! We can't wait for next time!
Treehouse Museum:
We have been wanting to go to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden all summer long. Hallie went last year on a field trip and just raved about it. We have been to lots of museums this summer, but I have to say, this one was our favorite! It wasn't nearly as crowded as most, they had such fun exhibits (with dress ups in most every place) and a little play the kids got to participate in. We went with my friend Jaime and her darling kiddos, Judd and baby Hazel. We will definitely be going back. Good find.
Cheetahs for life |
She wouldn't leave the hat on her head, but she's still cute |
A sheep and a cow milking a cow (Jace and Judd) |
Jace as a lion on the little play they put on. It was corny and had no script, but the kids really loved it. |
A music room for Florinda. With one pant leg up and one pant leg down, of course. |
These two boys were just wonderful doctors to their little babies... |
Whew!! That was a large post. August was amazing, but by the time school rolled around, we (I) was most definitely ready for it!!