September 3, 2014

First Day of School 2014

The day before school started, the girls got Father's blessings from their sweet daddy. They also got homemade cinnamon rolls for their first day breakfast! Lucky girls. 

My mom came down for the first day of school to help me with the kids because I had all day hospital orientation that was mandatory. It was a dumb day to plan it, if you ask me, because it was the first day of school for not only all the kids in the area, but also for the colleges. So, we had some intern nurses that were at the orientation that were missing their first day of school. Nice. Anyway, my mom was kind enough to get the girls to school, meet their teachers, etc. It was super nice to have that assurance that the kids were fine. Thanks, mom!

Hallie is going to our local elementary and is in afternoon kindergarten. We have a ward friend who is in her class, so that is super nice so they can carpool together. Her mom is also the new one that I found to watch the kids while I work, so that works out well. Hallie's teacher is a bit on the older side, but from what I hear, the kids always love her, so that's great. She has a piano in her room, so I just have this little vision of her pounding on the piano while the kids are all gathered around her singing. That's sort of how I remember kindergarten, so why not?! 

Flor is bussed across town to another school that is better equipped to meet her needs. I met her teacher the week before and she seems great. However, I have been a little worried because Flor came from a class of 8 kids with 4 staff and this class has 13 kids and 3 staff. Can you imagine? 13 kids with needs like Flor and 3 staff? And....yeah. The first week was rough. The teacher wrote home nearly everyday with a laundry list of issues that she was having with Flor. Things such as, you know, playing in the toilet, throwing herself on the ground and not getting up all day, playing in her diaper, etc. etc. etc. Just a bunch of things that Flor NEVER does at home. I can only imagine how stretched thin this woman is and Flor is clearly running the show. I just kept telling her that she needs to be very firm with Flor and let her know she's serious right from the beginning or Flor will walk all over her from now on. So, hope that improves...I also went in one day to bring Flor her afternoon pill (that may help and we have to have a doctor's note for them to give it to her at school, which we don't have yet because our doctor is still in Utah county...Need to get on that ASAP) and talked to her teacher about the possibility of getting more help in the classroom. I can't see why she wouldn't ask for that since she is already feeling a bit frazzled, I think. The kids are entitled to the services they need, so I told her that if I need to make a request that Flor get an aide, I will. She said she'll handle it. So, we'll see. 

Flor also rides the bus for about an hour before school and about an hour after. Kind of long. I requested that she get a booster with restraints, otherwise, I know she'd be roaming up and down the aisles of the bus. Especially for a ride that long. They did do that, so that's nice. She has a male bus driver and a male aide on the bus & I am pretty sure she is loving life there. She is always blowing them kisses as she gets off the bus. Little flirt. 

Anyway, we are excited for the new school year. Pray with us that it goes well for both girls! 

KINDERGARTEN AND 4TH GRADE!! (which is which?!) :) 

1 comment:

The Cumming Fam said...

Pretty girls and good looking dad! I am sure Flor's class will get easier as they get into the swing of things. But nonetheless, we will keep praying for you! Love you all!!