September 15, 2014

Our Family Is Funny...or So They Think

So, Devin and I recently told our family that we had some news to share with them. The obvious choice is that I am pregnant. So we told them first thing that this is NOT the news.

Before we got a chance to tell them what it really is, we had some pretty wild guesses as to what it people thought it was. I thought I should document as some of they were just that great. Just a few of the many, many, out of control guesses.

*We were becoming polygamists
*We were getting our own TLC show
*I had a book deal (since when do I write books??)
*We got new tires for the van
*Devin now owns 51% of the Kroger Co. (that'd be great)
*I was getting my tubes tied
*We were flipping our duplex
*We bought a new lawnmower
*Hallie is skipping a grade
*Devin's going to quit his job and be Mr. Mom full-time
*We were starting our own religion
*Devin himself guessed that I was dropping the big D on him (not even close-- and he was just being funny to the family, he really did know the news already...of course. We make joint decisions in this family.)
*We won the lottery and decided to take everyone to Disneyland (I wish!)
*And...the top guess is that we were moving to Wisconsin. In fact, my grandma flat out believed this one because that's what she had been told. Nope, not moving to Wisconsin, just for the record.

Perry family news coming soon.


Nataley said...

oooh you are tricky! can't wait to hear the news- although i have suspicions it is that you are becoming polygamists hahahaha

Megan said...

Cliff hanger! Are you sure it's not a TLC show?

The Cumming Fam said...

Bwahaha!! That is funny right there!

Shawna said...

HAHAHA!!LOVE all of these! So many awesome ones. I could totally see you guys on your own tlc show or see you writing a book. You may think you don't write books but what do you call this blog then?? I think it would make a fabulous book. I've been reading it for years haven't I? And I certainly hope you aren't moving to Wisconsin but owning part of Kroger would be really really nice. So what is with the suspense?? are you adopting again?? How long do we have to wait to find out.