July 16, 2014


So, this is bit of a dramatic story and I'll try to tone it down. Since it has been a few weeks, I am now a little calmer about the whole thing, but at the time, I was rather angry for a few days. We were supposed to close on our house on July 7, but the buyers wanted to move up the date and since we were already moving things in to our new place, we decided that we could move up the closing date to June 30. We closed the afternoon after we got home from the reunion (don't worry, I didn't throw up on anyone), with the promise from both title companies that our sale would fund by the end of the business day the next day (July 1). We also had an email from the week before telling us that everything was good to go for the closing by July 1. The reason this was important is because if the sale didn't fund by the end of July 1, we would owe interest for the whole month of July on the house, which totaled over $1000. Who wants to pay that for living in the house a few days into the month!? NOT ME. We planned to move out July 5, that weekend. We had provisions in our agreement with the buyers that we had 14 days post closing to move, so we were good.

Monday, my Aunt Angela called me to tell me that she was coming the next day with a truck and trailer to come help me take a load to the new house. She knew I was stressed about being sick and having to finish packing my house, etc. So she brought her two boys and drove from Logan after she had just done a ton of driving from the reunion a few days before. She is a saint I tell you. And an inspired one. Before she even arrived Tuesday, I had a call from our realtor saying that the buyers were now changing their minds and saying that they would not fund the sale until Thursday since they didn't have possession of the house yet. WHAT? This was not our agreement. Granted, all we had agreed on was verbally and in emails, but I was really upset about this news. It didn't change anything on their end whether they started their loan that day as promised or two days later, but it did make a difference to us- a $1000 difference. I told our realtor that if the issue was that they needed possession of the house, we would be out THAT DAY so that they could take possession. This was July 1. So good thing my aunt was already on her way. We had one full load taken to the house by the afternoon and we had also moved everything else that needed to be moved to the front room. Angela was amazing- she packed my whole kitchen, kept me calm through the stress of the day, and was really just saintly all around. I texted all of Devin's family and some ward members and asked that they come help us that evening take the last load. Kirston came with her trailer  and my uncle Lynn with his truck, and between the two we got everything else loaded. (We had been moving things slowly over the course of the past few weeks since Devin was going up everyday for work anyway, so that was also a blessing). By the time I got back from Farmington with Devin (he had gotten off work), the people at our house had almost everything loaded and ready go to. Talk about family coming to the rescue!!

Somewhere in this time, our realtor called us back to tell us that she had been going to battle with the other realtor all day and at the end of the day, he was still saying his clients were refusing to fund the sale. I don't know how much was the realtor and I don't know how much was the buyers, and I think some blame rests on the title company as well because they didn't fulfill their end of the bargain, but I was just so heartsick to hear this news. Here we had been busting our behinds all day to get things packed and moved so that they would honor their word and yet they still didn't. I generally like to think the best of people, but this just felt downright nasty to me. I told you I was angry-- and I was. I totally spent the next two days sending nasty emails to our title company (not that it was their fault, but I needed a target and the poor guy got the brunt of it) about how unfair it all was and how blindsided we felt. I think a lot of my emotions were based on the fact that I kind of felt shoved out the house and that I didn't have the time to prepare emotionally to leave since we were planning on moving Saturday. In the end, I think moving earlier really benefited us and I had all week to get the house straight (plus Angela had stayed up in Farmington after the load we brought and put our beds together-- told you she is amazing). We were then moved in by the weekend and could really celebrate the 4th of July and have Saturday to get groceries bought, etc. and feel a little more settled before going to church Sunday. So, really I think moving earlier was a good thing, but the way it happened felt horrible. It still makes me upset that we ended up paying an extra $1000, but I have no control over that situation.

That's the tale of moving. I was seriously sad for the first few days after moving, missing our little house. I loved that house and it truly was our first "home". We had amazing neighbors and a great little area for our kids to run and play. We have really, really enjoyed our new home, too, though. We have had the ultimate friendly neighbors and the little area we live is beautiful and so cute. I think we will be very, very happy here. Change is just hard, though!

Here are our pictures of our last walk through of our first home:
Jace's room

Our room

The bathroom

basement family room

Girls' room

Girls' room

Storage Room


Front room
This picture must have come from Devin's phone because I can't find it. So this one from my Instagram will have to do. Sad, sad day when we drove away from that house. Loved it.

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