July 7, 2014

June Randoms

And again, these are random! 

We sure do love summer, though, and all the amazingly fun things to do, such as:  

Eating ice cream with cousins
Laying in the grass and staring at the beautiful sky...
...while using your kids as a pillow

Building nests out of bark in the park

times two
Picking and eating cherries, and more cherries, and more cherries
Looking cute on a Sunday
Writing and delivering a beautiful talk in Primary

Did I mention eating cherries?
Scrubbing the walls after writing on them, although denying completely that that is your handwriting...

...but yeah right. Who else in the family writes like that? Caught.

More hanging out with cousins...
...while wearing your sister's clothes that don't really fit (Hallie again)
Getting real serious about business with the help of your amazing sister-in-law and her Cricut

Starting to MOVE!
Celebrating our awesome Daddy on Father's Day

Having a difficult time on Father's Day with picture taking
Picking and eating MORE cherries
Late night visits to the amazing Sodalicious with some even more amazing ladies

Hosting our 4th annual Relay for Life Garage Sale... (and making $530 in the process, by the way! WOOHOO)

....and putting these cute girls on the road to sell cherries for the cause

Riding bikes around the neighborhood with our best friends

And more bike riding
Playing at the park with our friendly neighborhood bicycle gang
And making awesome presents for Daddy at 4H.
Whew. Isn't summer the best? Two more months of it, yay!

1 comment:

The Cumming Fam said...

Yum! Those cherries! I miss those and now, I bet you will too! Looks like you all have had loads of fun!! Love you all and miss you!

PS: Flor looks adorb's in the pictures below. Gorgeous!