I just thought I would jot down a few thoughts about how school is going. I am 4 weeks in and almost done with this term (2 more weeks!). I have another summer term, which should be a bit less intense, and then August off before starting again in the fall.
Going in, I was honestly really anxious and worried. It has been five years since I have done the whole school thing and so that was my main worry. Honestly, though, I have been loving the whole school experience. Maybe it is because grad school seems to be more hands-on and less about memorizing a bunch of things just to spit them back out for a test. I enjoy all my classes and look forward to going to school every day, which is huge. I also have loved the diversity at the U. While I appreciated my undergrad years and BYU and feel that that was the perfect place for me then, I am really enjoying the perspectives and experiences of people who are not just like me. I love that each of us have different backgrounds and experiences and that we can share and learn from one another.
The practice class is my favorite, by far. It is always a really powerful (and fun) experience. You non social workers would probably not enjoy it, but I am loving it. I always come home and talk to Devin about what we have done or talked about and he most definitely would be hating it. Haha. Besides the practice class, I have a research class (not my favorite), a macro class, and a DSM class. Next term, I continue with the research class (boo) and then add a sexual abuse class and a play therapy class. yippee.
The schedule has worked out just fine so far. I go to school Monday-Thursdays. Monday is the longest day, but Devin is home with the kids all day. Tuesday and Thursday we have a neighbor girl watching the kids from 6:30 am to 1:30 pm when I get home. I get up at 5:30 (SUPER rough for me if you know me at all!) and get on the train at 6:50. The train ride is about an hour and then there is a 20 minute bus ride to campus. I use all of this time for doing my homework and reading, which has worked out great because I get almost everything done on the rides to/from school. This way, I can be home and present with my kids when I am home. Wednesdays Devin's parents have been with the kids for the same hours. It has worked out really well so far. I am home all day Friday/Saturday/Sunday and that is good because I can recharge. I am still working, but just 10 hours per week instead of my usual 20. Devin is working both of his jobs, but will be done with the golf course at the end of the summer. At that point, he will be home with the kids all the time when I am gone for the fall schedule. So, it's a tad bit crazy, but going well so far.
4 weeks down, 48 to go! :)
I'm so glad you are enjoying school. And can I just tell you how great I think it is that you are going to school right now? I'm sure it's not easy to balance everything, but I'm sure or will be worth it in the end. Basically what I'm saying is way to be awesome, Kim :)
You guys are ROCK STARS!!! If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. :)
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