March 1, 2013

Happy birthday Chris!

Jace is named after our brother-in-law Chris. We planned on using Christopher as a middle name all along as a way of honoring Chris and then Jace was born on Chris's birthday, making it extra special (Birthday post on Jace below!).
While Jace never met Chris in this life, Hallie did get to spend some time with him before he passed away in April 2009. This would have been shortly after Hallie was born, so around November 2008. 

As you all know, Chris lost his fight to a brain tumor. He was such an incredible and giving person that my sister has instituted a day of service in his memory every year on his birthday. She asks friends and family to just do something nice for someone else as a way of remembering him and the legacy he left.

Chris is the reason that we as a family participate in the Relay for Life every summer in Idaho Falls. There is no better cause than this one to help other families find relief from the horrible disease that we call cancer. I watched my sister and Chris suffer so much as they endured months of chemotherapy,  radiation, and Chris's declining abilities. Even though it has been four years, looking at pictures of Chris reminds me again of all the rough things that surround cancer. I know that many of you who read my blog did not know Chris, but I am sure many of you know someone who has battled cancer. If you feel so inclined, here is one simple way that you can help us honor Chris's special day:

You can consider donating to my Relay for Life fundraising goal. (click the link above and then click the "donate now" button).  I know I have asked you all a lot of times in the past to donate to different things, so I am sorry for that, but this is a cause that I really believe it. Even a $1 donation would mean a lot to me. Every little bit helps. Thank you!!!

Happy birthday Chris. We sure miss you here but know that you are accomplishing great things on the other side!

(also, for those who are local or who live in Idaho Falls, Devin and I are going to do our annual garage sale as our main fundraiser again this year. If you have any items that you plan on getting rid of or donating to the D.I. anyway, would you consider letting us pick them up to sell at our garage sale? Thank you!!!)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks for posting about Chris's birthday! And that's awesome that you're doing some fundraising too! Way to go!