February 4, 2013

Insta-Sample January

A few pictures from January: 

A girl deserves a sugary cake for her birthday-- and this girl GOT one! 

Hallie's face doesn't quite show it-- but the two of them were both sick right before we left for Disneyland. Blah. I love the big barf bowl...gotta have that.

I think I posted this before, but quite possibly my favorite Disneyland picture

Jace's illness lingered a bit while we were at Disney...he refused to fall asleep unless I was holding his hand. Mama's Boy?

Yes, Jace's hand is down his pants. How else is a boy supposed to relax? 

Apparently Devin and I were both in silly moods this day....he was singing and dancing while cooking and I was doing nothing but take pictures. Good team, good team.

Flor's cute new birthday sweater from Grandma and Grandpa Strobel-- a sweater from Ecuador!

Flor's hair has gotten SO long. Jealous, jealous, jealous. She has the best hair.

That ham

Busy girl. She completed all these puzzles herself one morning.

Bad habit learned from her father. 

Happy February! 


Karla Maynor said...

Can I say you got some killer pictures there! Love the one of Flor and her new sweater. Huge smile there! Love hal's hamming it up picture, and Jace's relaxing one.

The Cumming Fam said...

Haha! Drinking milk out of the bowl is a Perry trait. Grady does it as well...won't say where he got it from. :) At least she hasn't picked up the habit of licking her ice cream bowl from Grandpa Perry too! And very gorgeous hair!!